Au moyen d'illustrations, d'images animées et d'archives de l'époque, le film retrace les hauts et les bas, les scandales et célébrations, les tragédies et triomphes ayant façonné cette période inouïe de l'art moderne depuis le sous-sol du Bateau-Lavoir en 1900 jusqu'aux derniers frémissements de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale.
Through illustrations, animation and original archives, plunge into Parisian life at the turn of the 20th Century with Picasso, Dali, Apollinaire, Man Ray, Kiki and more... Adapted from Dan Franck’s literary trilogy this series made up of six episodes plunges us into Parisian life in the beginning of the twentieth century, a hotbed of artistic creation with the blossoming of Fauvism, Cubism, Dadaism, and surrealism. The main characters are called Picasso, Max Jacob, Stein, Apollinaire, Hemingway, Matisse, Cocteau, Kiki… artists, art dealers, muses who came to France from all over Europe and left an indelible mark on the 20th century. These glorious subversives were adventurers before becoming heroes.