Как-то однажды кот-художник объявил конкурс на лучшую снежную скульптуру.
Les chatons et leurs amis participent à un concours de sculpture sur glace. Ils font d'abord des bonshommes de neiges identiques avant de faire des sculptures différentes. Le juge du concours décide qu'ils sont tous ex-aequo...
One day Painter Cat was holding a competition for the best snow-sculpture. The winner of the competition will receive an entire box of yummy cookies! The kittens spent much time doing snow-sculptures with friends. However they all made identical snow-cats! The juries couldn’t figure out the winner and Candy came up with an idea. They all shall sculpture things they like! As a result, Candy made the figures of her brothers and parents, Cookie - a rocket and Pudding - a cake. Later the kid-e-cats learned that they all had won and were even shown on TV.