"The Woody Woodpecker Show" was a long-running 30-minute American television series mainly composed of the animated cartoon escapades of Woody Woodpecker and other Walter Lantz characters including Andy Panda, Chilly Willy and Inspector Willoughby. The series was revived and reformatted several times, but remained popular for nearly four decades and allowed the studio to continue making theatrical cartoons until 1972 when it shut down. It also kept the Walter Lantz/Universal "Cartunes" made during the Golden Age of American animation a part of the American consciousness.
Each episode starts off with Touché popping forth from inside his shell. He then gets a phone call from someone who's in dire straits. His phone usually rests upon a sterling silver plate. Touché accepts all major credit cards. Thus, Touché and Dum-Dum go off into the crime scene and do their shtick, which may involve swordplay, box-fighting, martial arts, tom-foolery, work with pyrotechnics/explosives... and so on. "Touché-Away!!" The original show of 52 episodes first aired on TV between September 1962 and August 1963. Touché and Dum Dum have appeared together in only a handful of 1960s-early 1970s H-B comic books, and both also showed up on Hanna-Barbera's 50th anniversary special in 1988 (you may find that on video).