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Test for Sonarr

  • TheTVDB.com List ID 7107
  • Created By valkost
  • List Type Custom
  • Favorites 1
  • Created October 31, 2020 by
  • Modified November 13, 2020 by



Die berühmte Schlacht des Teutoburger Waldes, in der germanische Krieger im Jahre 9 n. Chr. Den Vormarsch des Römischen Reiches nach Norden stoppten, steht im Mittelpunkt von "Die Barbaren". Die von Arne Nolting, Jan-Martin Scharf und Andreas Heckmann geschaffene Begegnung von Zwei Welten sind mit dem Schicksal dreier junger Menschen verbunden, die von Unschuld zu Schuld, Loyalität zum Verrat und Liebe zum Hass reisen. Sabine de Mardt, Andreas Bareiss und Rainer Marquass produzieren für Gaumont.

Roadkill (2020)


Self-made politician Peter Laurence's life seems to be falling apart – or rather, is being picked apart by his enemies. As personal revelations spiral, he is shamelessly untroubled by guilt or remorse, expertly walking a high wire between glory and catastrophe as he seeks to further his own agenda while others plot to bring him down. However, events show just how hard it is, for both an individual and a country, to leave the past behind. With enemies so close to home, can Peter Laurence ever out-run his own secrets to win the ultimate prize?

Blood of Zeus


A commoner living in ancient Greece, Heron discovers his true heritage as a son of Zeus, and his purpose: to save the world from a demonic army.

Ghost Nation


Paranormal pioneers Jason Hawes, Steve Gonsalves and Dave Tango respond to urgent calls from ghost hunters who have reached a dead-end with their residential cases. Armed with state-of-the-art technology, a meticulous methodology and local contacts, the team tracks down the source of the unexplained phenomena to crack each intriguing case, restoring peace to the living -- and the dead.

Imperio de Mentiras


La historia se centra en un humilde y honesto oficial de policía, y una joven de familia adinerada, que se aventuran en una pasión tan imparable como prohibida. Después de que su padre y la novia del ex policía son asesinados en extrañas circunstancias, la pareja investiga las misteriosas muertes para descubrir la verdad. Juntos descubren poderosos secretos de un mundo de corrupción que no conocían, todo esto mientras luchan por defender su amor y aprenden a confiar el uno en el otro.