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The Good Wife International Adaptations

  • TheTVDB.com List ID 14040
  • Created By Imzadi
  • List Type Custom
  • Favorites 1
  • Created September 8, 2022 by
    Imzadi admin
  • Modified September 11, 2022 by
    Imzadi admin

The Good Wife


The Good Wife is a drama starring Emmy Award winner Julianna Margulies as a wife and mother who must assume full responsibility for her family and re-enter the workforce after her husband's very public sex and political corruption scandal lands him in jail.

굿 와이프


승승장구하던 검사 남편이 정치 스캔들과 부정부패로 구속되자 결혼 이후 일을 그만 두었던 아내가 가정의 생계를 책임지기 위해 13년 만에 변호사로 복귀하면서 자신의 진정한 정체성을 찾아가는 법정 수사극

The Good Wife (JP)


A story of a housewife who resumes her career as a lawyer after 16 years following the arrest of her elite prosecutor husband who is being charged for sex and political corruption. This legal entertainment drama depicts with insight and humor how the main character tackles the many obstacles and challenges she faces as a lawyer after her life changes 180 degrees. Following her husband’s betrayal and arrest, Kyoko Hasumi (Takako Tokiwa) decides to resume her career as a lawyer. Masahiro Tada (Kotaro Koizumi), a friend from law school, who jointly manages a law firm with Yoshie Kamiyama (Chikako Kaku), puts in a good word for her and they hire her. However, Kyoko realizes how difficult it is to return to work as a lawyer after such a long absence. Meanwhile, Soichiro (Toshiaki Karasawa), her husband in jail, tells her that he wants to atone for his infidelity…

Хорошая жена


В течение одного дня жизнь Алисы меняется. Её муж, прокурор Ленинградской области Пётр Филиппов становится героем сразу нескольких громких скандалов. Репутация, которую он так долго выстраивал, оказалась разрушена. Теперь Алиса должна сама обеспечивать всю семью. Спустя годы она возвращается к адвокатской карьере и начинает работу в юридической фирме своего университетского друга Виталия Калинина.



顾念是一名全职太太,她的丈夫宋嘉辰身为金牌律师,事业有成,一家三口过着优渥的生活。然而意外降临,宋嘉辰陷入罪案,被捕调查,并牵连出桃色绯闻,顾念同时遭到了家庭的变故和情感的背叛。为了养家,她来到了同窗旧友丰盛所在的一佐一佑律所,重操旧业。在工作的过程中,她彰显了非凡的工作能力,开始逐渐晋升,并帮助宋嘉辰打赢了官司洗脱罪名。 职场的磨砺,让顾念性格中独立,坚强的面愈发彰显,迎来人生事业的巅峰,却也因此走到了家庭、爱情和友情的对立面。她的丈夫、挚爱好友最终都和自己在法庭上兵戎相见。 在这自我成就的道路上,所有人都看得到她台前的荣光,却无人看到她背后的伤痕,然而她无怨无悔傲然而立,一路盛开,成为自己的女王。

Striking Out


Drama series set in the world of Ireland's legal system. Striking Out follows the tumultuous professional and personal life of Dublin-based solicitor, Tara Rafferty, and her fledgling legal firm. When Tara discovers, on her hen night, that her fiancé and fellow solicitor Eric Dunbar has been cheating on her with a colleague, she breaks up with him, quits her job at the prestigious law firm they worked at together, and sets about making her own way in a new life outside the inner circle of the legal profession. At first unsure how she'll cope, Tara begins to realize she is more than capable of being on her own - both personally and professionally.