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Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée

The Centre national du cinéma et de l'image animée (CNC; lit. the National Centre for Cinema and the Moving Image) is an agency of the French Ministry of Culture, and is responsible for the production and promotion of cinematic and audiovisual arts in France. The CNC is a publicly owned establishment, with legal and financial autonomy.

  • Centre national de la cinématographie
  • CNC
English français
  • ID 9640
  • Primary Type Production Company
  • Created September 11, 2020 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified October 11, 2022 by

There are no series associated with this company.

Xích lô
L'emploi du temps
Une Femme de ménage
As I Open My Eyes
Bird People
Meurtres à Strasbourg
If the Shoe Fits
Les voleurs
Rester vertical
Anna M.
The Nightingale
Les salauds
Les Herbes folles
The Exterminating Angels
Une Vieille maîtresse
Ni le ciel ni la terre