Diego continues his investigation into Señor Verdugo's business by riding to his house, where Verdugo greets him and Bernardo with his arm in a sling. Although Verdugo claims an old injury is bothering him, Diego suspects he may be the leader of the robbers, so he sets a trap. He tells Verdugo the money is being sent via the Guadalupe Trail and should be arriving shortly, but a servant overhears him.
Unfortunately, Sergeant Garcia and Corporal Reyes, who have been sent with the money along the Camino Real, decide to take a shortcut and use the Guadalupe Trail. When Zorro and Bernardo arrive at the trail, hoping to catch the robbers, they're amazed to spot the soldiers riding into a trap they have inadvertently helped set. Zorro is unable to reach them in time, for Tornado had to be left home to avoid suspicion.
The robbers take the money and order the soldiers to dig their own graves, but Zorro overpowers the guards and frees Garcia and Reyes. Just then, Verdugo arrives, apparently confirming Diego's theory that he is the mastermind. In reality, Verdugo has been lured there by his servant, who plans to kill him. Zorro saves the merchant, who explains that he sent his men there to help Garcia and didn't know that his servants were the robbers.
Soupçonnant son associé, Vergudo d'envoyer lui-même des bandits pour voler une cargaison d'or, Diego lui donne délibérèment de faux renseignements quant à la route que que devrait prendre les soldats
Diego furcsállja, hogy Mondterey-ben mindenki tudja, mennyi pénzt szándékozott Los Angelesből hozni. Továbbra is arra gyanakszik, hogy Verdugo rablások kitervelője, ezért elmondja neki, hogy a küldöncök az El Camino Realt elhagyva, a Guadalupe völgyön átjönnek a városba. Ez természetesen pontosan fordítva igaz, így a rablók nem tudják majd megkaparintani a pénzt. Szerencsétlenségükre Garcia számára a völgy borászata túl nagy csáberő és a valóságban is arrafelé jön Reyes tizedessel és a rablók csapdájába sétál. Palomares megsebesíti Reyest, így Garciának kell megásnia mindkettőjük sírját. Zorro megmenti a két katonát, majd amikor vissza akarja szerezni a pénzt a banditáktól, megjelenik Verdugo.
Diego continua ad investigare sul conto del Señor Verdugo e cavalca fino alla sua hacienda dove vede l’uomo con un braccio fasciato. Verdugo sostiene che si tratta di una vecchia ferita di guerra, ma Diego sospetta che sia il capo dei banditi ferito la notte prima da Zorro. Diego gli tende una trappola e gli dice che il suo denaro è in arrivo e che i suoi corrieri stanno viaggiando lungo la via per Guadalupa. Sfortunatamente il Sergente Garcia e il Caporale Reyes, incaricati di portare il denaro da Los Angeles, decidono di abbandonare il Camino Real per dirigersi proprio sulla via per Guadalupa e, nonostante Zorro cerchi di avvertirli, finiscono in trappola. I banditi rubano i soldi e ordinano ai soldati di scavare le loro fosse. Intanto arriva Verdugo, apparentemente confermando le teorie di Diego. In realtà l’uomo è stato ingannato dal suo stesso servitore che tenta di ucciderlo. Zorro interviene e salva sia i soldati che Verdugo anche se i banditi riescono a fuggire.