Mittens Intro Mittens the Spider Monkey had been brought to the Spider Monkey holding area so that the other Spider Monkeys might get used to him. This was in preparation for introduction back into the family. Today's the big day. Mittens is introduced. First in the holding area, then in the exhibit. Crane Catch Up A pair of rare European cranes that were bred in the zoo are being caught up so they can be shipped to the zoo in Peterborough, Ontario. The young cranes are a zoo success story. First because they were bred here, but also because they look like they too want to breed. In fact the female has layed an egg that she is protecting making it difficult for Ollie to catch them up. She doesn't realize the egg is infertile. Fernando and the Polar Bears Young Fernando was the winner of the "name the baby polar bears contest". Today, he comes to the zoo to pick up his prizes, meet the baby polar bears and to be interviewed by the media.