Zuri Crating and Knockdown Zuri is a 4-year-old gorilla who has never been integrated into the family group. At first, she was kept out because she has epilepsy. Now, the other gorillas will not accept her. So the zoo is sending her to the Calgary Zoo where they have a very young gorilla population who may be more willing to accept Zuri. Today they have to anesthetize her in a shipping crate. In the meantime this beloved animal is visited by many of the keepers who have worked with her over the years. It is a sad good-bye. Ferret Weighing Now that the ferret babies are a little older, Andrea goes back into the ferret barn to catch up the babies for weighing and medication. Kookaburra Sings Mark and Tahra meet a group of teenage girls who are at the zoo to see, hear and study bird sounds. Their biggest challenge today will be to make the kookaburra sing. First they try playing Kookie a tape of kookaburra sounds. When that doesn't work they imitate the bird's cry.