Zeke and Luther train with "Jumpsuit" Johnson to pull off a stunt with his rocket to get into a skateboarding magazine. Meanwhile, Ginger tries to get back a hat from Ozzie, that is believed to have been worn by Abraham Lincoln.
Zeke a Luther trénují s "Jumpsuit" Johnsonem, aby s raketou dokázali udělat kousek, který by je dostal do časopisu o skateboardingu. Mezitím se Ginger pokouší získat zpět klobouk od Ozzieho, o kterém se předpokládá, že ho nosil Abraham Lincoln.
Zeke e Luther fissano un ventilatore sulla schiena di Luther.
Zeke e Luther esperam ganhar muito mais velocidade prendendo um ventilador nas costas de Zeke, mas rapidamente percebem que não vai adiantar muito.