After a string of bad luck with their skateboarding, Zeke and Luther form an air rock band with Kojo and Ozzie joining later on. Meanwhile, Ginger is determined to win as much contests as possible at the county fair.
Po řadě smůly s jejich skateboardingem, Zeke a Luther vytvořili rockovou kapelu, kde se později připojili Kojo a Ozzie. Mezitím je Ginger odhodlána vyhrát na krajském veletrhu co nejvíce soutěží.
Luther convince Zeke a formare una "air band" con lui, Kojo e Ozzie.
Quando as habilidades de Zeke e Luther no skate vão de mal a pior, eles procuram um novo hobby para dar um descanso para o skate. Então, Luther convence Zeke a formar uma banda imaginária com ele, Kojo e Ozzie.