Two twins, Daniel and Petra, are separated when they were babies as their ambitious mother Victoria left their father Josip alone with one of the twins. When they meet by chance on their 22nd birthday this drama series starts, and the first main storyline is whether or not they will get to know that they are related. Their two families (of different world, hence the title) are upper and middle class. Daniel's brother Matija elopes with Lana to live as outcasts, as Lana's mother Vesna blames Daniel and Matija for the murder of her husband. Igor, Iva's boyfriend is suspected in killing Tomislav Kos. His girlfriend Iva is Daniel's and Matija's sister Iva, who is torn between her family and boyfriend. One day Viktorija mysteriously dissappears for no reason with the family fortune and leaves the family in bankrupcy as Stjepan's first wife Karolina enters the picture to make more fuss.
Blizanci Petra Novak i Danijel Lončar, razdvojeni odmah nakon rođenja, ne znaju jedno za drugo, odrastaju u različitim obiteljima, no povezuje ih snažan osjećaj da im nešto nedostaje zbog čega njihov život nije potpun. Dvadeset godina kasnije sudbonosan susret budi nagomilane osjećaje, Petra i Danijel se zaljubljuju i napokon pronalaze ono nešto im je nedostajalo cijeli život.
Хорватская «мыльная опера» о жизни и любви как молодых, так и пожилых персонажей, действие которой сосредоточено в крупном хорватском городе Загреб. Сериал затрагивает спорные темы, такие как изнасилования, гомосексуальность, супружеская измена и смертельные болезни. В основе это ремейк австралийского сериала «Сыновья и дочери», но по мере развития сюжета обрастающего новыми героями и сюжетом.