Kite und Quinton versuchen fieberhaft, Scritch davon abzuhalten, den Teleporter zu zerstören, mit dem Yuma in die Astralwelt reisen will, um seinen Freund Astral zu finden. Scritch hat den Strom abgeschaltet, um so Zeit zu gewinnen, damit er die beiden erledigen und so Yumas Reise verhindern kann …
After Kite and Quinton discover that Ninja Shadow Mosquito is literally as small as a mosquito, Scritch uses its ability to make Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon attack Quinton. Meanwhile, Kite is affected by a mosquito bite he received from Scritch during his journey, which is causing him to confuse his allies with his enemies. Recalling his training days with him, Quinton manages to awaken Kite's inner fire and break him free of the Scritch's influence. With help from Quinton, Kite manages to power up Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon and defeat Scritch, and obtain his Number card. After the duel, the interdimensional gate is fully charged, allowing Yuma to go to Astral World.