Astral und Nummer 96 befinden sich mitten im Duell, als Astral merkt, dass ihm seine taktischen Kniffe ausgehen: Alles, was er Nummer 96 zufügt, wirkt sich auch auf Yuma aus. Der wiederum hat die rettende Idee, sich aus der Gefahrenzone zu bringen. Doch Vector funkt mit dem Einsatz der Barian-Karte dazwischen und verwandelt Nummer 96 in ein Monster. Somit gibt es keinen Sieger in diesem Duell. Die Gruppe muss nun schnell die Flucht ergreifen, denn die Ruinen stürzen ein.
Number 96 summons out the sealed Number he obtained, Number 65: Djinn Buster, managing to destroy Utopia deal a lot of damage to Astral by taking advantage of his wish not to hurt Yuma. As Astral turns to defensive play, Number 96 uses Barian's Force to evolve Djinn Buster into Chaos Number 65: King Overfiend, with Astral managing to survive by reviving Utopia. Receiving some encouragement from Astral and another one of Kazuma's coins, Yuma manages to use the trap aimed at him to his advantage and move to safety, allowing Astral to fight without hesitation. Astral summons Utopia Ray, but Number 96 uses Barian's Force again to upgrade Dark Mist to Chaos Number 96: Dark Storm, using its abilities to force the match into a draw. Vector then sets the castle to self-destruct as he and Number 96 escape, but Yuma and the others safely escape thanks to Kite's arrival. As Kite is informed of the situation, Girag and Alito awaken from their slumber.