Yuma und seine Freunde beschließen, Ray zu retten und zur Barian-Welt zu fliegen. Unterwegs werden sie von Vektor angegriffen und nach Sargasso umgeleitet – einem Ödland, wo sofort ein wilder Kampf entbrennt …
Kite arrives just as Ray is taken into Barian World. After cowering to Kite, Yuma is slapped to the ground, being told to toughen up. Later on, Astral discovers that the Master Key Beetle is the final key to start up the Emperor's Airship. Meanwhile, Shark, Yuma and Kite discuss what to do about Ray. In the middle of their discussion, they are alerted by Orbital 7 that a new anomaly is forming over Heartland City. Just as they arrive at the anomaly, Yuma's key bursts with light and a portal opens above them. The Emperor's Airship passes through the portal and crashes onto the top of the building. Astral then explains what happened with him and the ship. Determined to find Ray, Yuma prepares for the trip to Barian World. Meanwhile, Rio begs Shark to take her, and Shark obliges. The next day Yuma attempts to leave without the family noticing, but instead is surprised and helped by them. The three regroup at the crash site, however the whole gang offers to go on behalf of Ray. Yuma is then appointed captain and each person takes a different station to operate the airship. After entering the portal, they are attacked by rogue duel monsters and soon after sucked into a black hole. Yuma and the others wake up in the interstellae graveyard, Sargasso, where Vector, Mizar and Dumon await. Vector claims that Ray is dead, which enrages Yuma as he prepares to face off against him, with Shark and Kite facing off against Dumon and Mizael respectively. As they summon out their Xyz monsters however, they are suddenly hit by a field effect that inflicts 500 points of damage to each of them (except for the Barian Emperors).
Astral utilise la carte que lui a remise Vector pour activer le vaisseau de la Clé Dorée afin de le faire sortir et apparaître dans le monde réel. Le lendemain, alors qu'Astral, Yuma, Shark et Kite se retrouvent sur le point de partir, ils sont rejoints par tous les autres et décident donc de partir tous ensemble pour le Monde Barian. Sur le chemin qui les amène au Monde Barian, le vaisseau est attaqué, puis est aspiré par un trou noir. À leur réveil, Yuma et Astral se retrouvent sur un lieu très étrange. Yuma aperçoit alors Vector en compagnie de Ray, allongé à terre, inanimé. C'est alors que trois duels vont se dérouler : Yuma contre Vector ; Shark contre Dumon ; Kite contre Mizar. Yuma invoque alors dès son premier tour « Numéro 39 : Utopie », Shark le « Numéro 32 : Requin Drakonien » et Kite « Galaxion, Empereur de Lumière Rayonnant ». Ils sont ensuite piégés par la magie de terrain "Sargasso" leur faisant perdre chacun 500 points de vie à la fin de chaque tour.