Interested in the incident that happened ten years ago, Ghost Girl challenged Playmaker to a Duel, with Ai as a wager. Learning that he will be able to obtain the program that allows him to infiltrate SOL Technologies Data Bank if he wins, Yusaku heads to LINK VRAINS. Fully aware of the risks, Yusaku still accepted Ghost Girl’s challenge in order to discover the truth about the incident that happened ten years ago. However, he faces a tough battle against Ghost Girl’s elusive "Altergeist" Deck!
10年前の事件に興味を持ったゴーストガールは、PlaymakerにAi(アイ)を懸けたデュエルを申し込む。勝利すれば「SOLテクノロジー社」のデータバンクに侵入するためのプログラムを得られると知り、遊作はLINK VRAINSへと向かう。10年前の事件の真相を暴くべく、危険を承知で挑戦を受けた遊作に、神出鬼没(しんしゅつきぼつ)のゴーストガールが操る「オルターガイスト」デッキが襲いかかる!
Ghost Girl, que está interessada no incidente de 10 anos atrás, desafia Playmaker com o propósito de obter Ai. Caso Playmaker vença o duelo, ele obterá um programa backdoor que lhe dará acesso ao banco de dados da SOL Technologies. Ghost Girl se revela uma excelente duelista com o seu deck "Altergeist". Yusaku será capaz de se livrar desse perigo iminente?
Ghost Girl reta a Playmaker a un duelo en el que harán una arriesgada apuesta.