Temporal Machine God Sandaion's attack points are then lowered from 4,000 to 0, by the effects of Infinite Machine Ein Soph. When Z-ONE attacks Yusei's Ancient Fairy Dragon with Temporal Machine God Michion, Yusei's life points are reduced to 750, by Michion's ability. As a result of the damage, Yusei's duel runner plunges down again, but Yusei is able to navigate through the structure of the Ark Cradle, and find his way back to Z-ONE. But when Z-ONE attacks with Hanion, and then Raphion, Yusei is able to protect himself from taking damage, and losing to their effects, by timing the activation of Scrap-Iron Scarecrow, and his Synchro Believer's ability. When all of Yusei's cards on his field, including Scrap-Iron Scarecrow, are sent back to his deck by Gabrion's ability, Yusei protects himself from Z-ONE's last attack from Sandaion (which would inflict an additional 4,000 points of damage after it battles), by activating Synchro Keeper's ability, and then by bringing out Power Tool Dragon. However, Z-ONE then sacrifices Infinite Machine Ein Soph, to activate Infinite Light Ein Soph Aur, a trap that lets him keep all of his monsters on the field, and returns Sandaion's attack points from 0 to 4,000. Then, the Ark Cradle begins to collide with New Domino City as it approaches, and begins to break apart, with chunks of the Ark Cradle breaking off. Yusei is knocked off of his Duel Runner, when a piece of the Ark Cradle collides with his duel runner. Seeing this, the Signer's and New Domino City's residents are upset, and get concerned about him. But before Yusei hits the ground, he is saved by his father, Dr. Fudo, who convinces him to keep fighting, no matter how hard things may seem. Yusei then summons Life Stream Dragon, whose ability restores Yusei's life points from 750 to 2,000. Then, Yusei revives the other Signer dragons, and then he uses the Crimson Dragon's power to achieve an Over Top Clear Mind, in order to perform a Limit Over Accel Synchro, summoning a new
Yusei se protège des attaques de Z-one en activant au bon moment son Épouvantail de Ferraille et en prévoyant les effets des Dieux Machine Temporel. Quand l'Ancien Dragon Féérique est renvoyé dans son deck, Yusei se protège de la dernière attaque de Z-one en invoquant le Dragon Outil Électrique (Dragon Électromécanique dans le TCG). Cependant, Z-one active alors un piège qui lui permet de garder tous ses monstres sur le terrain. Alors que la Citadelle rentre en collision avec New Domino City, Yusei tombe de son Duel Runner, mais est sauvé par son père, Dr. Fudo, qui le convainc de continuer à combattre. Yusei invoque alors le Dragon de Vitalité, et ressuscite les autres dragons, et utilise les pouvoirs du Dragon Cramoisi pour réussir un Delta Accel Spirit (Over Top Clear Mind), afin de réaliser une Over Limit Accel Synchro, invoquant un nouveau monstre, Dragon Quasar Filant.