Die Stunde der Wahrheit ist gekommen: Yusei tritt im Turbo-Duell gegen Primo an. Wisel, der Maschinenimperator, ist der stärkste Gegner, den Yusei mit seinen Synchromonster je gegenüberstand. Als wenn das nicht schon reichen würde, erfährt Yusei auch noch, dass Primo und seine Yliaster-Hintermänner die Strippenzieher hinte den Finsteren Auerwählten waren.
After Yusei and Bruno mutter about this transformation being Primo's true form, Primo demonstrates to Yusei one of his new abilities. He causes his Machine Emperor to create a field of energy, which causes glass everywhere in New Domino City to shatter, and results in blackouts. Remembering the destruction caused by the original Ener-D reactor spun in reverse, Yusei screams, "Stop," and rams Primo's duel runner. Startled, he loses concentration and the destruction stops. Frustrated, he calls Yusei "inferior." When Yusei demands Primo to ressume the duel, Primo rides up besides Yusei, and then activates his own battle Royale Mode. Yusei begins his duel with Primo by summoning out Junk Destroyer and manages to deal some damage. Primo becomes furious, and gets his Machine Emperor Wisel to create another field of energy, which results in lightning bolts striking everywhere in New Domino City, causing electrical devices to fail. Yusei manages to stop Primo absorbing Junk Destroyer by replacing it with Stardust Dragon, before sacrificing it to deal more damage. Primo then replaces one of his Wisel parts with Skiel parts stolen from Lester. When Lester realizes that Primo stole 2 of his cards, by watching the duel, he becomes furious, and curses Primo for taking his cards without his permission. Yusei tries to perform an Accel Synchro with Stardust Dragon and a Synchro Tuner, but Primo's words breaks his concentration, making him unable to perform it, allowing Wisel to absorb Stardust Dragon.
Yusei est toujours face à Primo et son Empereur Machine Wisel. Yusei invoque donc un monstre synchro, son Robot de la Dévastation et Primo tente de l'absorber mais Yusei arrive à le contrer. Primo active une carte permettant de détruire "Tronc de Wisel" pour invoquer à la surprise générale "Ailes de Skiel 3" puis "Ailes de Skiel 5". Le pactisant tente donc le tout pour le tout en invoquant son Dragon Poussière D’Étoile et en tentant une Accel Synchro mais qui à sa grande surprise, rate. Primo absorbe donc le "Dragon Poussière d’Étoile" de Yusei qui se retrouve à présent dans une position délicate.
シティを混乱に陥れ、遊星を倒そうとするプラシド。その行為はイリアステル=神の意志 によるものだという。そしてDホイールと合体し、Dホイールの最終進化形態で戦う。そんなプラシドに、遊星はシンクロ召喚によるジャンクデストロイヤーで挑む。さらに機皇帝を破壊すべくカードを仕込んでいく。一方、落雷の中、ビルの灯りが次々と消えていき、シティが停電になった。ジャックや風馬たちは"シティにいったい何が起きようとしているのか"といぶかしむ。そして入院中のアキは、遊星がシティを護るために戦っていることを知る・・・・・・。