In New Domino City taucht eine mysteriöse neue Duellkarte auf, die nicht nur holografischen Schaden, sondern auch realen Schaden verursacht. Trudge und Mina beauftragen Crow, ihnen bei der Suche nach der neuen, gefährlichen Karte zu helfen. Crow befragt seinen alten Freund Bolton, der tatsächlich etwas über die Karte zu wissen scheint.
Crow goes to visit the grave of Robert Pearson, the original owner of Crow's Blackwing Deck and the Blackbird (Crow's duel runner), who died in an unusual purple fire three years ago. Later, Bruno finds a sealed compartment in Crow's Blackbird that he can't access, which is preventing him from giving Crow's duel runner some upgrades. Crow is later approached by Trudge and Mina, who believe Pearson's death was caused by a duelist using a card called, Crimson Mephist, that dealt real damage, and sent people to the Netherworld. Crow goes to see another of his old friends, Bolton, to ask about the accident. Bolton agrees to talk, but only if Crow duels him, wanting the Black-Winged Dragon card he needs for a loan should he win, even though Crow doesn't know where it is. Crow tells Yusei about how he met Pearson after leaving the Enforcers. The next day, Crow and Bolton start their duel, and Crow has trouble fighting against Bolton's Anti-Blackwing deck.
L'homme décédé était Pearson, dont Crow était redevable, ce qui conduit Mina et Trudge, qui sont chargés de l'enquête, à questionner Crow. Ce dernier affirme avoir entendu le criminel utiliser une carte appelé «Mephist Sanglant". Il commence alors à chercher le criminel, ce qui le mène à rencontrer Bolton, un homme qui a autrefois travaillé pour Pearson. Mais Bolton ne veut rien dire et il parlera à une seule condition : un duel avec Crow.