Kang Ho confidently faces the disciplinary committee with full support from So Eun. To their surprise, Kang Ho and So Eun see Prosecutor Hong Jung Soo entering the disciplinary meeting and question his appearance. Like usual, Hong Jung Soo makes a pass at So Eun that aggravates her. The review is short-lived but becomes hectic as Kang Ho openly expresses he had accepted bribes and verbally attacks Jung Soo for sexually harassing women.
징계위원회에 회부된 강호.
그곳에서 징계위원으로 초청된 홍정수 검사와 강호는 한판 승부를 벌이고.
한편, 강호를 선처해달라는 소은의 탄원서를 본 상철은 소은의 강호를 향한 마음을 눈치채는데..