In “Shitsuren Hoken,” Furuta Arata plays a gay Shinto priest nicknamed Torako, whose side business is selling “heartbreak insurance.” Approved customers can pay 100 million yen for insurance against their love lives, receiving 10 times that amount in the event that they get rejected by the person they confess their love to. He and his team work to make the customers’ love lives succeed, as long as they confess at the specified time. Shirota plays a young man named Ayumu, also nicknamed Luke. By day, he works as an associate ecology professor, but by night he works as one of the “insurance investigators,” using psychological techniques to uncover the customers’ feelings. Fukuda Saki plays the college student Maruyama (nicknamed Maru), who works part-time as a shrine maiden at Torako’s shrine, and also as an “insurance investigator” with Luke. --Tokyograph
在當下這個光怪陸離的社會,連愛情都有了可以補償的機構。城市的一隅有一座不起眼的神社,裡面卻經營著一家戀愛保險公司。公司承諾可以向被愛情所苦惱的人們提供幫助,不管所謂的戀愛是單方面還是雙方面,也不管是尚未開始還是正在進行,更不管雙方是否有著天壤之別,只要在該公司投保,通過調查員香月步(城田優 飾)、巫女丸山円(福田沙紀 飾)、宮司戶倉英太郎(古田新太 飾)等三位成員的確認和努力,一定可以為投保人設計出成功率極高的戀愛告白。而一旦戀愛失敗,投保人將可能得到十倍的賠償。