A drama about the pickpockets and other criminals living in multifamily housing until a really nice guy moves in and changes them all for the better. They heal and comfort each other as they live alongside each other’s company. This drama will show that the goal in life isn’t about acquiring wealth or fame but how one can live well.
Kim Chang Man (Lee Hee Joon) is a man who dreams of becoming a social worker to help society’s most impoverished people. He moves into a multifamily housing where criminals and former criminals live, struggles to help them to recover their “lost consciences” and saves Kang Yoo Na (Kim Ok Bin), the woman he loves, from the depths of crime. Kang Yoo Na is the daughter of a legendary pickpocket and is a former pickpocket herself with 3 records. After her release from prison, she sometimes goes back to the old habit other than working in a friend’s café but she got a warm heart, is a deep thinker and a people-person.
Kang Yoo Na elle (Kim Ok Bin), vient d'une famille de criminels et est une pickpocket professionnelle. Elle vie dans une résidence commune dans un quartier pauvre. Kim Chang Man (Lee Hee Joon) emménage à côté de chez elle, c'est un gentil jeune homme qui rêve de devenir un assistante sociale pour aider les gens les plus pauvres de la société...
직업, 성별, 나이, 성격까지 천차만별인 개성 만점 사람들과 전직 소매치기범인 한 여자가 사는 다세대주택에 세상 어디에도 없는 착한 사나이가 들어온 후, 상처와 아픔을 치유 받고 함께 부대끼며 살아가는 이야기