All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 Let's Speedrun Vanilla

    • July 15, 2021
    • YouTube

    But before we can get into the nitty-gritty of the pack we have to speedrun vanilla Minecraft! So it's off to the mines and building a base while Ped makes a new friend!

  • S01E02 Stop Stomping My Wheat!

    • July 17, 2021
    • YouTube

    Boba and I continue building our base while our big strong miners, Ravs and Ped, go off to the Nether to collect Blaze Powder and Black Stone. In the meantime I wish people would stop stomping on my wheat!

  • S01E03 Don't Eat My Roof!

    • July 19, 2021
    • YouTube

    Ravs and Ped are trying to find the End Portal while I finish of my thatched cottage. But with food being and issue Ravs and Ped aren't pleased that I'm using all of our farming to build a roof. They keep threatening too but please, don't eat my roof!

  • S01E04 Licking the Milk Sweats

    • July 21, 2021
    • YouTube

    We need lots more Ender Eyes in order to travel to the End and to do that we need to go Enderman hunting! Ped has an accident with Wolfy and Boba tells us all about licking the Milk Sweats...

  • S01E05 The End is the Beginning!

    • July 23, 2021
    • YouTube

    We make our way into the End to fight the Ender Dragon but soon realise there's a LOT more to getting to the Vaults than we first thought...

  • S01E06 Is This Yog Labs?

    • July 25, 2021
    • YouTube

    We head into the Vault and it looks really cool... but that's about it... We're left question what to do next and if this is Yog Labs?

Season 2

  • S02E01 Charging Up the Vault Crystals!

    • September 15, 2022
    • YouTube

    I'm joined by Harry and Ben as we start our adventure by setting up our first Vault Altar and charging up the Vault Crystals!

  • S02E02 Into the First Vault!

    • September 17, 2022
    • YouTube

    We jump into our first vault, but will it end in immediate disaster?

  • S02E03 The Storage Warehouse!

    • September 19, 2022
    • YouTube

    The base is a complete mess of villagers stuck in holes and random boxes. Enter Ben with his Storage warehouse!

  • S02E04 Creeper Attack in Vault 2!

    • September 21, 2022
    • YouTube

    We charge into our second Vault but there's an awful lot of dying going on...

  • S02E05 The First Vault Boss!

    • September 23, 2022
    • YouTube

    After dying in the last Vault, we're on to the third and we're facing our first Vault Boss, the Boogie Man!

  • S02E06 The Puzzle Room!

    • September 25, 2022
    • YouTube

    We charge into our second Vault but there's an awful lot of dying going on...

  • S02E07 Duncan the MVP

    • September 27, 2022
    • YouTube

    Ben's got no health and has buried himself away, Harry needs to bail, it's up to me to be the MVP!

  • S02E08 Harry the Pooper

    • September 29, 2022
    • YouTube

    Another Vault gives us a new pooper, and it's Harry! Plus, we get ourselves ready for a Cake Hunt!

  • S02E09 Hunting for Cake

    • October 1, 2022
    • YouTube

    Harry takes us into a new Vault where our quest is to find 30 cakes! But can we do it before the time runs out?

  • S02E10 Crabs vs Turtles

    • October 3, 2022
    • YouTube

    Duncan's on the lookout for some turtles to get an egg to open the next vault and comes home with a crab. Meanwhile, Ben fortifies our newly named village of Duncbenbarry.

  • S02E11 Simon Says

    • October 5, 2022
    • YouTube

    Harry discovers a Simon Says room that could give us a TON of loot, but will I solve the puzzle correctly?

  • S02E12 The Drawer Tower

    • October 7, 2022
    • YouTube

    We're close to getting our first Mod but we still need to hunt some vaults before we can get there. Meanwhile, Ben builds a new building to house our upcoming drawers.

  • S02E13 Where's all the Diorite?

    • October 9, 2022
    • YouTube

    I head into a village and straight into a Raid and we go on a hunt for Diorite, but where is it?

  • S02E14 Potion Puzzle

    • October 11, 2022
    • YouTube

    Ben's adding drawers to our new building and demolishing others while I try to solve a Potion Puzzle in another Vault!

  • S02E15 Mob Conga

    • October 13, 2022
    • YouTube

    Ben joins us in a vault so he can level up and creates a Mob Conga to help us loot!

  • S02E16 Ben's Sea Cucumber Quest

    • October 15, 2022
    • YouTube

    Ben's on a quest to find Sea Cucumbers and we're back in the vaults where I'm having a lot of trouble with Silver Fish...

  • S02E17 Dank Boys

    • October 17, 2022
    • YouTube

    We unlock a new mod under Harry's recommendation, Danks! Then we head into our first Level 25 vault...

  • S02E18 Omega Pooper Duncan Poops Glass

    • October 20, 2022
    • YouTube

    We get ourselves an Omega Pooper that poops glass and we head into a vault where we have to collect specific items to unlock loot! Will we beat the clock?

  • S02E19 Vault Robot

    • October 22, 2022
    • YouTube

    We're heading into another vault with our Vault Paxels so we can gain more levels from fighting a boss, and this time it's a robot!

  • S02E20 Duncan's Solo Vault Adventure

    • October 24, 2022
    • YouTube

    Harry and Ben work on the Drawer Controller and I go off to solo a Vault!

  • S02E21 Krusty Krab Power Plant

    • October 26, 2022
    • YouTube

    Harry goes off to run a solo vault while Ben and I stay behind to work on our computer system and Power Plant that looks suspiciously like the Krusty Krab...

  • S02E22 Mining Lasers

    • October 28, 2022
    • YouTube

    We start to generate enough power for our mining lasers and Harry FINALLY shows me how to run a vault his way!

  • S02E23 Trott's Vault Challenge!

    • October 31, 2022
    • YouTube

    A new Vault Hunter has joined us! Trott pops in to set us a Vault Challenge!

  • S02E24 The Great Cake Hunt

    • November 2, 2022
    • YouTube

    Trott joins us on a cake run but there are mobs everywhere!

  • S02E25 Mining Vaults with Lasers

    • November 5, 2022
    • YouTube

    We're heading into a vault together and we're using our lasers to get some huge loot!

  • S02E26 Ben's Little Solo Vault Adventure

    • November 7, 2022
    • YouTube

    Trott's back to help us go through our loot from our last vault and Ben decides to go on a little solo vault adventure while I work on setting up a computer!

  • S02E27 Filling Ben with Burgers

    • November 9, 2022
    • YouTube

    Ben and Trott continue their solo vault runs with mixed results. I start filling Ben with burgers and I get the computer online!

  • S02E28 It's Not Even a Trapped Vault!

    • November 11, 2022
    • YouTube

    Ben is on a treasure hunt for the Heart of the Ocean, while me, Harry and Trott are exploring solo vaults. But Trott is running into a lot of traps and it's not even a Trapped vault!

  • S02E29 The Computer Age

    • November 13, 2022
    • YouTube

    Ben's on a tree hunt, I'm finishing off my Vault and Harry wants to make sure our storage system is fully into the Computer Age!

  • S02E30 Cranking with the Create Mod

    • November 15, 2022
    • YouTube

    We've unlocked the Create Mod! While Ben and Harry go vault hunting I'm staying at base making cogs for a Metal Press and cranking with create!

  • S02E31 Windmilling with Super Glue

    • November 17, 2022
    • YouTube

    I'm building a windmill but I've missed a key ingredient, super glue! Meanwhile, Ben tries to decide whether he sees his vault to the end or bails before the timer runs out...

  • S02E32 Duncan's Janky Crusher Computer System

    • November 19, 2022
    • YouTube

    I've built a crusher but it would be much better if we could feed the produce straight into the computer, even if it does look a little janky...

  • S02E33 Trolling with the Camera Mod

    • November 21, 2022
    • YouTube

    Harry's got a new camera mod to show us and we've got some great ideas for trolling with it before we head off into more vaults!

  • S02E34 The Trouble with Tiddles

    • November 23, 2022
    • YouTube

    Harry is making us an Eternal and fixing up the storage while Ben and I head into a vault, but Harry is having some trouble with Tiddles...

  • S02E35 Hooking Up the Thermo Generator

    • November 25, 2022
    • YouTube

    Me and Harry do some more vaults, Ben works on expanding the crushing system and we hook up the Thermo Generator!

  • S02E36 Three Idiots Try to do Create

    • November 27, 2022
    • YouTube

    Three idiots try and do create after Ben's grinding machine didn't quite go to plan...

  • S02E37 Saving Duncan from the Nether

    • November 29, 2022
    • YouTube

    I've gone to the Nether to collect a Blaze and it's not long before I need saving!

  • S02E38 Mechanical Mixers

    • December 2, 2022
    • YouTube

    We're working on our Mechanical Mixer setup for our Auto Potion Brewer, but we're out of the right kind of copper and Harry is having a breakdown over Ben's scaffolding...

  • S02E39 Auto Potion Brewer

    • December 4, 2022
    • YouTube

    We turn our mixers into and auto-potion brewing factory while Ben has some bad luck in a Vault!

  • S02E40 Who is Rodney?

    • December 6, 2022
    • YouTube

    Trott's back to help us with our Vault hunting, but someone else has been on the server. Just who is Rodney?!

  • S02E41 Grinding that Works

    • December 8, 2022
    • YouTube

    Harry decides to fix Ben's grinding system so we can have grinding that works, and we head off for another cake vault!

  • S02E42 Did We Break a Cake Vault?

    • December 10, 2022
    • YouTube

    We head into another cake vault but we might have broken it...

  • S02E43 Build Your Own Vault

    • December 21, 2022
    • YouTube

    We're back and we're trying out a new vault, the Architect Vault where you build your own vault as you progress through it!

  • S02E44 To Greed or Not to Greed?

    • December 27, 2022
    • YouTube

    We're back and we're trying out a new vault, the Architect Vault where you build your own vault as you progress through it!

  • S02E45 400 Room Vault!

    • January 3, 2023
    • YouTube

    We're trying out another new Vault and it's a big one that only Ben can access!

  • S02E46 Ben's Boys

    • January 9, 2023
    • YouTube

    We're showing Trott the Build Vaults and Ben gets to use his new Boys! But are they really that good?

  • S02E47 An Amoonguss in Minecraft

    • January 11, 2023
    • YouTube

    We're going for a more relaxed Cake Vault, but I can't find the doors and they're might be an Ammonguss in Minecraft!


    • January 13, 2023
    • YouTube

    We're having a race to see who is the Vault God, and the winner gets to decide what happens to the series next...

Season 3

  • S03E01 A Whole New Server

    • January 23, 2023
    • YouTube

    We're playing on a whole new server that we're sharing with our friends! While Harry goes off to speed run the game, Ben and I start setting up base and run into Trott and Ross...

  • S03E02 Fire Up the Vault Portal

    • January 24, 2023
    • YouTube

    We're strip mining for the final parts of the Vault Altar and the Portal as we prepare to enter our first vault!

  • S03E03 Our First Vault

    • January 26, 2023
    • YouTube

    We jump into out first Vault on the new server, get some really cool skeleton horses and pay Ped's base a visit.

  • S03E04 Dungeon Ninjas

    • January 28, 2023
    • YouTube

    We head into our second vault and we're determined to get some good loot while Harry teaches us to be Dungeon Ninjas!

  • S03E05 Don't Give into Greed!

    • January 30, 2023
    • YouTube

    We jump into a new vault and I give into greed and learn the lesson the hard way...

  • S03E06 The Love Pit

    • February 1, 2023
    • YouTube

    We need Efficiency 5 and Villagers to trade with. It's time to make a love pit.

  • S03E07 Greeding for X Rooms

    • February 4, 2023
    • YouTube

    We've made some updates to our base and it's time to hop into some vaults. Can we escape them in time or will Harry be too busy greeding for X Rooms?

  • S03E08 Six Person Vault

    • February 7, 2023
    • YouTube

    We head into another Vault while Ben works on our base and bumps into Hat Films, who propose a wager over a Six Person Vault...

  • S03E09 The Bounty Table

    • February 11, 2023
    • YouTube

    Me and Ben go off to visit Mark's Tavern and to see how Ped, Boba and Ravs are getting on, while Harry builds us the Bounty Table!

  • S03E10 We NEED to Complete a Vault!

    • February 14, 2023
    • YouTube

    We need to complete a vault and collect some bounties but luck doesn't seem to be on our side...

  • S03E11 Cheesing the Nether!

    • February 17, 2023
    • YouTube

    With Ben away, Harry decides it'll be a good idea to complete the game and get some elytras, but first we have to cheese our way through the Nether with Portals!

  • S03E12 Let's Complete the Game

    • February 20, 2023
    • YouTube

    We head to the End to complete the game by defeating the Ender Dragon! But we also need to grab our Elytras...

  • S03E13 Harry's Crossbow Strat

    • February 23, 2023
    • YouTube

    Ben's back to show us his progress on the base, we discover people have been stealing our things and Harry has a new Crossbow Strat for us to try out!

  • S03E14 Tearing down the N00b Hut

    • February 26, 2023
    • YouTube

    I head into a solos vault while Ben and Harry sort out our stuff and move it into the mansion, which means goodbye n00b hut!

  • S03E15 Duncan the Rhino

    • March 1, 2023
    • YouTube

    We head into a new vault where I discover a new piece of head gear....

  • S03E16 Lost in the Vault!

    • March 4, 2023
    • YouTube

    The unthinkable happens when Ben and I get lost in a vault and the time is running out....

  • S03E17 Breaking into Ped's Base with Invisibility

    • March 6, 2023
    • YouTube

    Realising that Ped stole our Skeleton Horse, we plan to break in and get our own back while Harry uses an invisibility potion.

  • S03E18 Unlocking Our First Mod - Pouches

    • March 9, 2023
    • YouTube

    We unlock our first mod - Pouches! It's a game changer when it comes to looting Vaults!

  • S03E19 A Gift For Ped

    • March 11, 2023
    • YouTube

    We try out our new Vault Compasses and head over to Ped, Boba and Ravs' base with a little gift before the whole server gets together at Mark's Museum...

  • S03E20 Griefing Hat Films in a 9 Person Vault

    • March 14, 2023
    • YouTube

    We head into a 9 Person Vault with Hat Films, Ped, Boba and Ravs, but Harry has a trick up his sleeve...

  • S03E21 A Scavenger Vault to get Drawers

    • March 17, 2023
    • YouTube

    I investigate Ravs' secret tunnel and we head into a scavenger vault so we can get the black opal we need to unlock Drawers!

  • S03E22 The New Drawer Setup

    • March 20, 2023
    • YouTube

    Harry's working to get the new drawer setup in place and keep it to our spooky manor aesthetic, while I add a waypoint to the Sky Island we found a while ago...

  • S03E23 Not Another Scavenger Vault!

    • March 23, 2023
    • YouTube

    We upgrade our pouches and head into another scavenger Vault. Will it work for Ben this time?

  • S03E24 Mr Mime's Death is Art

    • March 25, 2023
    • YouTube

    We head into another Vault and submit our Mr Mime's death photo for Mark's competition.

  • S03E25 Omega Living Room

    • March 28, 2023
    • YouTube

    We're doing back to back vaults - monolith and scavenger! But Harry really wants to find an Omega Living Room, which isn't quite as cosy as it sounds...

  • S03E26 Slime Quest is the New Pickle Quest

    • March 31, 2023
    • YouTube

    We're on track to make double pouches, but Harry needs Slime and that means I have to go on a Slime Quest to rival Pickle Quest...

  • S03E27 The Soul Diffuser

    • April 3, 2023
    • YouTube

    Harry builds a Soul Diffuser after Ravs had a mishap in his own vault, but it comes in handy for smelting down the scav items we don't need....

  • S03E28 Vaulting with Magnets!

    • April 6, 2023
    • YouTube

    We jump into a vault and unlock magnets, so it's back in again to test them out! Meanwhile, Ben starts a solo Vault and Hat Films have a very lucrative deal for us.

  • S03E29 Stealing Gold from Hat Film's Vault

    • April 9, 2023
    • YouTube

    We head over to Hat Films to help them with their vault when Harry finds a Dragon Room and lots of gold worth stealing...

  • S03E30 Playing with Dolls

    • April 12, 2023
    • YouTube

    After a hiccup with some vaults, Harry convinces us that it's time to play with dolls...

  • S03E31 Gummy Bears Attack

    • April 14, 2023
    • YouTube

    Ben and I head into a vault filled with deadly gummy bears while Harry tries to gain xp for Ben's doll in a separate vault.

  • S03E32 Farming our Vault Dolls for XP

    • April 17, 2023
    • YouTube

    Harry jumps into a solo vault to farm XP for Ben's Vault doll!

  • S03E33 This Room is NOT Omega

    • April 20, 2023
    • YouTube

    We find a couple of omega rooms in one vault but with the poor selection of loot I'm not convinced!

  • S03E34 Ravs' Gift

    • April 22, 2023
    • YouTube

    We've had a delivery from Ravs but it's not a gift anyone wants...

  • S03E35 Looking for Glorp - A New Vault Objective

    • April 24, 2023
    • YouTube

    We're smashing through Vaults and we try out a new one, looking for glorp! Where we collect elixir and finish by finding a loadstone!

  • S03E36 Do it for Ross

    • April 27, 2023
    • YouTube

    We're super close to being level 20, but first Harry has to do it for Ross by trying to level up his doll and Ped and his crew return something of ours...

  • S03E37 Level 20 Vault - NO Beginners Grace!

    • April 29, 2023
    • YouTube

    It's time for our first Level 20 Vault! No beginners grace to save us if we die... Let's go flamingos!

  • S03E38 Scaffolding Powered Computer!

    • May 1, 2023
    • YouTube

    Ben's away so we decide to get glorping and build ourselves a computer with a crafting grid, powered by all of that scaffolding we've got lying around.

  • S03E39 Gambling with Swords

    • May 3, 2023
    • YouTube

    We set up an importing station to get our gear from our pouches straight into the computer, and Harry and I go a little crazy gambling with swords...

  • S03E40 Building a Star Wars Room (and Some News Tools)

    • May 6, 2023
    • YouTube

    Harry builds himself an epic hammer and we build something every base needs... a Star Wars room!

  • S03E41 Discovering Ped's Secret Base

    • May 9, 2023
    • YouTube

    Ben's back and he wants to visit Ped's base where we uncover a secret underground...

  • S03E42 Rescuing Ben's Body

    • May 11, 2023
    • YouTube

    When Ben dies in a vault it's up to Harry to go and rescue his body!

  • S03E43 Vaulting with Ben Dolls

    • May 13, 2023
    • YouTube

    Ben is away so it's time to try some vaults with a couple of Ben dolls on our heads!

  • S03E44 Ravs Joins the Team!

    • May 15, 2023
    • YouTube

    Ben's back to battle his children for loot and Ravs joins our team!

  • S03E45 Breaking the Server with our Computer

    • May 18, 2023
    • YouTube

    More vaulting fun with Ravs, but soon our computers becomes an issue when it breaks the server...

  • S03E46 9.0.3 UPDATE

    • May 20, 2023
    • YouTube

    It's the 9.0.3 update! Harry takes us through all the new changes and we head into a vault to test them all out!

  • S03E47 The Mushroom Vault is Weird

    • May 22, 2023
    • YouTube

    We head into a new theme of vault where there are mushroom men and all sorts of weird things!

  • S03E48 Belts and Burgers

    • May 25, 2023
    • YouTube

    Ben's insatiable burger appetite gets him up to our level, Harry makes us belts and I start looking into Create!

  • S03E49 Cog Glorp vs Gear Shifts

    • May 27, 2023
    • YouTube

    What started as a simple task to build a vertical windmill turns out to be a heated debate over cogs vs gear shifts.

  • S03E50 Ben Takes on the Wild West

    • May 30, 2023
    • YouTube

    Ben takes on the Wild West twice in one Vault, and I have come to the realisation that websites don't exist.

  • S03E51 Shell Power

    • June 1, 2023
    • YouTube

    We get lucky in two more Elixir vaults and Duncan unlocks Shell Power!

  • S03E52 Breaking Ben

    • June 3, 2023
    • YouTube

    We set Ben a task in Create and see how long it takes for him to break...

  • S03E53 Making a Thing that makes Thingy-me-bobs

    • June 6, 2023
    • YouTube

    Ben's making a thing that makes thingy-me-bobs and we head into a Pirate vault that's lacking in mobs...

  • S03E54 Dungeoneering Duo

    • June 8, 2023
    • YouTube

    We jump into another vault and go hunting for dungeons!

  • S03E55 Rotato Farm

    • June 10, 2023
    • YouTube

    Ben wants to build a tree farm and I want to automate our regular farm. Instead I've made a rotato farm...

  • S03E56 Cog Punk

    • June 13, 2023
    • YouTube

    Harry's building an outhouse on to the base, I'm growing Nether Wart as part of my farm and Ben's sticking it to the man with Cog Punk, which is far more punk than Steam Punk.

  • S03E57 Nonsense Machine or Auto Fisher?

    • June 15, 2023
    • YouTube

    I'm working on an auto fisher, but the I only have a single fuzzy JPEG as reference. It may turn out to be that I'm building a nonsense machine instead...

  • S03E58 The Library Room

    • June 17, 2023
    • YouTube

    We head over to the Skyblock to fight the Wither and then I discover an omega library room inside a vault!

  • S03E59 Joblet Hunters

    • June 20, 2023
    • YouTube

    We fire up another crystal to go in a scavenger vault to find some joblets and Harry thinks he's found some more sky islands next to our base... But that can't be right.

  • S03E60 Vaulting without Harry!

    • June 26, 2023
    • YouTube

    Harry's gone and we're left to vault on our own! Can we reach Level 45 and catch up to Harry?

  • S03E61 Spiky Ben to the Rescue!

    • July 3, 2023
    • YouTube

    Harry's back only to discover that there's a problem with the base! We head into a modified vault but things don't go according to plan, which means it's Spiky Ben tot he rescue!

  • S03E62 Full Computer Big Chest

    • July 5, 2023
    • YouTube

    The computer is full and Harry unlocks colossal chests, and a trip to a vault leads to more unexpected deaths!

  • S03E63 Harry Loses Duncan

    • July 7, 2023
    • YouTube

    In a strange plot twist, Ben becomes the highest levelled player on the server, and Harry loses me in a vault.

  • S03E64 Let's Hit Level 50!

    • July 11, 2023
    • YouTube

    Harry's away, so Ben and I head into a vault with plans to reach level 50. That should be easy enough, right?

  • S03E65 What's Behind the Ashium Door? #65 EXTENDED

    • July 15, 2023
    • YouTube

    Harry's back to discover we've overtaken his levels, and we make an Ashium key to finally open the secret Ashium door in the Vault. I wonder what's inside?

  • S03E66 Our First Chaos Vault

    • July 17, 2023
    • YouTube

    We jump into a Chaos Vault, which means we roll 30 modifiers on a Vault... It's going to be chaos!

  • S03E67 Flying with Angel Blocks

    • July 19, 2023
    • YouTube

    After the chaos of the Chaos Vault, we decide to for something a little more chill, and Ben wants to unlock an Angel Block to gain the power of Creative flight!

  • S03E68 Gearing up Ravs for Patch 11

    • July 21, 2023
    • YouTube

    There's been a new patch and Ravs is joining us to find out all about it, as we get him geared up for level 50 vaults!

  • S03E69 Ultimate Pouch Fail

    • July 25, 2023
    • YouTube

    We upgrade our gear and head into a scavenger vault, where someone is about to undergo an ultimate pouch fail that we'll never forget.

  • S03E70 Vault Hunters is Back!

    • August 10, 2023
    • YouTube

    We're back with Ravs, Ben and Harry, as we dive into a new Monolith vault, where Ben offends the local fish people...

  • S03E71 Deep Dark Themed Vault

    • August 13, 2023
    • YouTube

    After a quick scav vault with Harry, we jump into the new Deep Dark themed vault without him, and time is running out fast...

  • S03E72 Stop Collecting Coins!

    • August 22, 2023
    • YouTube

    We're back! Ben has big plans for Hat Films old base, but first we're jumping into a scav Vault and we're collecting way too many coins...

  • S03E73 Whose Ghost is This?

    • August 24, 2023
    • YouTube

    Ben wants a beacon shaped like a wedding cake, Harry upgrades us to Alchemical Mixtures and why does this ghost look like Minecraft Steve and not... Well, you'll have to watch to find out!

  • S03E74 Botany Pots and Fried Bum

    • August 26, 2023
    • YouTube

    We work on Botany Pots for our Vault Crystals, Bum gets turned into Cake and Ravs ends up in a swamp...

  • S03E75 Henry Hoover is a Powerful Sucker

    • August 29, 2023
    • YouTube

    We head into another vault where discussion turns the powerful sucking abilities of everyone's favourite vacuum cleaner, Henry.

  • S03E76 Not Another Missing Pouch

    • September 1, 2023
    • YouTube

    After Ben nearly ruins the Ore pile, we head into and Elixir vault and we end up in a situation where there's another missing pouch...

  • S03E77 The Best Room in the Game

    • September 4, 2023
    • YouTube

    Ravs is back and this time we're heading into a scav vault to discover the best room in the game - the Dig Site!

  • S03E78 Return to the Void Vault

    • September 6, 2023
    • YouTube

    After some blocka issues with our animal farm, we return to the Deep Dark vault that gave us trouble last time, and decide to start work on a new Power Mod...

  • S03E79 Everyone's Invited to the Ore-gy, Except Ben

    • September 8, 2023
    • YouTube

    After fulfilling Duncan's wish to kill some Guardians, we drop into a vault for a full on ore-gy, except Ben who doesn't seem to have an invite.

  • S03E80 Duncan's Hoarding

    • September 13, 2023
    • YouTube

    I let slip that I've been hoarding old gear and it doesn't go down well with Harry and Ben...

  • S03E81 Beetroots and Trains Quest

    • September 18, 2023
    • YouTube

    We need beetroots for our next crystal, and in order to get them we're going to "need" trains!

  • S03E82 Duncan's Insane Build

    • September 22, 2023
    • YouTube

    With the Train Station in place it's time to do a vault and we need some mining POI's! My insane new build is making short work of any mobs!

  • S03E83 We Hate Mariah Carey

    • September 25, 2023
    • YouTube

    Ravs returns to give us an update about his butt, as we head into a vault to discover that we hate Mariah Carey.

  • S03E84 Chaos in the Chaos Vault

    • September 29, 2023
    • YouTube

    We get to experience a little bit of everything in the Chaos Vault, which mixes up all of the different vault themes!

  • S03E85 Creating Our Own SCP

    • October 2, 2023
    • YouTube

    We jump into a scav vault and discuss SCPs and come up with one of our own. DISCLAIMER: By watching this video you agree to not stealing the idea for our SCP.

  • S03E86 All Aboard the Klim Express

    • October 6, 2023
    • YouTube

    We're building our train and laying our tracks all the way to Hat Film's base! It's all aboard the Klim Express!

  • S03E87 Gluing the Train

    • October 9, 2023
    • YouTube

    Harry and I try to enhance our train, which is going to require a lot of glue and a lot of patience...

  • S03E88 Carriages and Nubs

    • October 13, 2023
    • YouTube

    We add extra carriages to the train and give it some nubs!

  • S03E89 Building the Fancy Passenger Carriage

    • October 18, 2023
    • YouTube

    Harry starts to fill his carriage with chests, I start work on the fancy passenger carriage, and we begin to have second thoughts about building this underground...

  • S03E90 The Best Thing We've Ever Built in Minecraft

    • October 20, 2023
    • YouTube

    We finish off the best thing we've ever built in Minecraft - our incredible Wild West inspired steam train!

  • S03E91 We Drove a Train through Mark's Tavern

    • October 25, 2023
    • YouTube

    With the train built, we need to figure out where it's going, and Mark's tavern is right in the way. We can't be bothered to go over it, or under it, so we'll have to go through it...

  • S03E92 Creepers vs Train

    • October 30, 2023
    • YouTube

  • S03E93 Back in the Vaults

    • November 2, 2023
    • YouTube

    Ben's back, and with a quick tour of our new train, it's straight back into the Vaults!

  • S03E94 Building a Pigment Extractor and Painting Machine

    • November 6, 2023
    • YouTube

    While Ben and Harry try to sort out a Bread powered generator, I'm building a pigment extractor and painting machine to get my magenta arrow blocks for the vaults!

  • S03E95 Dismantling Hat Films' Base

    • November 10, 2023
    • YouTube

    Harry's away so it's up to me and Ben to start knocking down Hat Films' base to make way for the Klim Express!

  • S03E96 Sucking Up Hat Films' Stuff

    • November 20, 2023
    • YouTube

    We head over to Hat Films' base with the train and see if we can suck up some of their stuff.

  • S03E97 Looting Ped, Boba and Ravs' Base

    • November 24, 2023
    • YouTube

  • S03E98 Elixir in the Nether

    • November 28, 2023
    • YouTube

    We show Harry our train progress and jump into a Nether themed Vault looking for Elixir!

  • S03E99 Ben's Massive Mining Hammer

    • December 1, 2023
    • YouTube

  • S03E100 Crushing Stone Needs too much Power

    • December 6, 2023
    • YouTube

    We have too much stone filling up our computer, so we need to crush it, but in order to crush it we're using a LOT of power...

  • S03E101 Scrapping Duncan's Junk

    • December 13, 2023
    • YouTube

    We head into another vault and Harry has finally had enough of my junk chest...

  • S03E102 I Killed the Muffin Man!

    • December 20, 2023
    • YouTube

  • S03E103 We Can't Heal!

    • December 27, 2023
    • YouTube

    We jump into a Scavenger vault and discover our health regen is very low, and Harry specs into something cold...

  • S03E104 Introducing Mr End The Series!

    • January 8, 2024
    • YouTube

    We're back for a scav vault to warm us up, and Harry has a new friend to introduce us to - Mr End The Series! I wonder what his job could be?

  • S03E105 Automating the Altar

    • January 11, 2024
    • YouTube

    We jump into another vault and discuss the highs and lows of TV and films in 2023 and Harry unlocks a new mod to automate our altars!

  • S03E106 The Altar is Eating Our Power!

    • January 15, 2024
    • YouTube

    We speedrun a scav vault, discover that the automated altar is eating our power, and I don't know the difference between Seth Rogen and Jonah Hill.

  • S03E107 Scammed by a Vault!

    • January 19, 2024
    • YouTube

    We head into a mega vault where we get scammed by a puzzle room, and try to work out which would be the worst monster to be.

  • S03E108 Train of Jewels

    • January 22, 2024
    • YouTube

    Back in another vault, we try to work out if you can make a sword out of blood, and Harry has acquired a train of jewels.

  • S03E109 Mega Mining

    • January 26, 2024
    • YouTube

    We jump into a Elixir vault to collect more vault ore so I can get closer to building a Digital Miner, and possibly a Nuclear Reactor.

  • S03E110 Back-to-Back Vaults for the Omega Pog

    • January 29, 2024
    • YouTube

    We're doing back-to-back vaults in order to geth Omega Pog!

  • S03E111 Trying to Power a Digital Miner

    • February 2, 2024
    • YouTube

    We need to grab some chromatic iron from a vault, Ben learns to customise a mine only vault and I'm glorping with a digital miner...

  • S03E112 Cleaning Quest

    • February 5, 2024
    • YouTube

    We dive into a custom mining vault with one mission - clean it out!

  • S03E113 Climbing Ore Mountain

    • February 9, 2024
    • YouTube

    We collect our spoils from the mining Vault last time, and Harry makes us a Rainbow Furnace.

  • S03E114 Building the Reactor!

    • February 12, 2024
    • YouTube

    We finally build our nuclear reactor and Harry and Ben take another look around Hat Films and Ped's old bases to grab some loot.

  • S03E115 What's the Deal with Tom Cruise?

    • February 16, 2024
    • YouTube

    Before we continue work on the nuclear reactor, we head into a vault to ask the question, what's the deal with Tom Cruise?

  • S03E116 Trying Not to Poison the World with Radiation

    • February 19, 2024
    • YouTube

    As we try to get power generation from the reactor, we also try to avoid poisoning the world with nuclear fallout.

  • S03E117 Multiple Vaults Speedrun

    • February 24, 2024
    • YouTube

    While I stay home and try to figure out the reactor, Ben and Harry speedrun vaults!

  • S03E118 The Worst Wi-Fi?

    • February 26, 2024
    • YouTube

    Our reactor isn't working, and our attempts at wi-fi aren't going well either!

  • S03E119 Hitting Level 100!

    • March 1, 2024
    • YouTube

    We level up to 100 and prepare to head into our toughest Vault yet!

  • S03E120 Completing the Mega Vault!

    • March 4, 2024
    • YouTube

    We finish off the mega vault and see if we've unlocked the last piece of the tapestry to open the boss vault!

  • S03E121 Trott's Grand Tour

    • March 8, 2024
    • YouTube

    As we approach the grand finale, Trott's returned to help us! But first, we fill him in on all of the things he's missed around the map...

  • S03E122 Taking on the Divine Herald

    • March 11, 2024
    • YouTube

    We head into the final Vault and try to take on the Divine Herald, but it's not as easy as we thought.

  • S03E123 Dodging for Our Lives!

    • March 15, 2024
    • YouTube

    After our last try at the Divine Herald didn't go so well, we're back again to see if we can progress further.

  • S03E124 Defeating the Herald and Completing the Modpack!

    • March 18, 2024
    • YouTube

    It's our final attempt at defeating the Herald and completing the modpack, and this time we're going to do it!

  • S03E125 Sky Island Base

    • March 22, 2024
    • YouTube

    There's only one thing left to do before we end the series... Copy our base over to the Sky Island!