All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 Starting a Wizarding Skyblock

    • October 28, 2020
    • YouTube

    We're starting a wizarding skyblock in a new modpack and it's a little bit of magic for Ravs and a little bit of questing for Pedguin! We get to grips with the magical world of Heavens Sorcery, using our magic wands to make clay, make furnaces, build mana pools and create diamonds, so long as Ravs learns to share...

  • S01E02 Stressful Skyblock Farming

    • October 29, 2020
    • YouTube

    Farming is getting a little bit stressful for Ravs as we're struggling for space on our Skyblock. As we work through our quests to make lava we're soon able to produce the cobblestone we need to start work on our Wizard's Tower and expand our island!

  • S01E03 Jacked Up on Mana

    • November 1, 2020
    • YouTube

    After a trip to the Nether to collect the bits we need we complete the first stage of the quest book! Now it's time to deep dive into magic by getting jacked up on mana and building a Spellcrafting Altar that we're not sure how to work...

  • S01E04 Making Cows with Magic

    • November 4, 2020
    • YouTube

    Ped get his Spellcrafting Altar up and running, I start the process of trying to grow cows, and find out that magic with Mana can be a little dangerous on a Skyblock.

  • S01E05 Making Spells

    • November 5, 2020
    • YouTube

    We're raiding a dungeon thanks to Ped's spell mishap last episode! But soon we're back on our skyblock trying to make spells and I'm trying to collect Netherwart in order to make some more!

  • S01E06 Walking Through Walls

    • November 8, 2020
    • YouTube

    We're back in the dungeons looking for an Otherworld's Core but when it becomes clear there's an obstruction I create a phasing spell to allow me to walk through walls!

  • S01E07 The Mist Dimension

    • November 11, 2020
    • YouTube

    We're heading into different dimensions! We start off at the - Dimension, which has some fun kangaroos, but then we're off to the Mist Dimension, which is a horrible place that chokes us to death!

  • S01E08 Bush Soap

    • November 13, 2020
    • YouTube

    I'm getting ready to start Botania, Ped's building our wizard's tower, Ravs is starting his own soap business to rival Lush, and we soon learn that the respirators we're making don't work in the Mist dimension!

  • S01E09 Impossible Desert Fish Quest

    • November 15, 2020
    • YouTube

    Ravs and I are trying to complete the quests in the Mist Dimension but we hit a bit of a snag when we realise that it's the wrong season. While Ravs explores the Aether I go on a Desert Fish Hunt Quest.

  • S01E10 Ravs Vs Valkyries

    • November 18, 2020
    • YouTube

    We continue our quest to make soap but the Mist continues to be a hell hole. Ped looks into Botania, I go after some unicorns and Ravs takes on the Valkyries!

  • S01E11 Frost Vs Zoom Spells

    • November 19, 2020
    • YouTube

    Ped's looking into Astral Sorcery, and Ravs and I are trying to get hold of a Unicorn's horn to make more spells so we can have a magic dual of Frost vs Zoom!

  • S01E12 New Improved Halo

    • November 22, 2020
    • YouTube

    I make myself a new magical halo, Ravs is trying to get redstone by cheating dimensional doors, and try to cheat my way around fishing for a puffer fish...

  • S01E13 Mr Meeseeks SUCKS

    • November 26, 2020
    • YouTube

    Ravs is trying to upgrade his halo, Ped's completing quests, and I decide to make Mr Meeseeks (or Mr MeeCreeps). He's going to be super helpful around the base and do everything for us! Nope, he sucks!

  • S01E14 Aerwhale King Boss Battle

    • November 28, 2020
    • YouTube

    I'm trying to get Mr Meeseeks to dig in the Mist Dimension and Ravs is creating powerful new spells to fight the Aerwhale King back in the Aether!

  • S01E15 Rewinding Time

    • November 29, 2020
    • YouTube

    Ped finishes Astral Sorcery and moves on to Embers while Ravs and I try to make more powerful spells. Unfortunately, Ravs spell is a little too powerful and rewinds time...

  • S01E16 Mining with Mr Meeseeks

    • December 17, 2020
    • YouTube

    We're back in the Mist Dimension trying to start Embers! But first we need to find the perfect spot using the gauge so we can place the Ember Bore. While Ravs tries to find an alternative solution, it's down to Ped and I to go mining with Mr Meeseeks...

  • S01E17 Ember Bore

    • December 22, 2020
    • YouTube

    I want to make a spell that'll make digging a thing of the past, which raises a few issues, as we finally get our Ember Bore up and running.

  • S01E18 Ember Activator

    • December 24, 2020
    • YouTube

    With our Ember Bore working we're moving on to getting the pieces we need for our Ember Activator, that's if I can make it out of the Mist Dimension alive. Meanwhile, Ravs tries to come up with the perfect Skyblock based Christmas song...

  • S01E19 Why Won't You Pump?!

    • December 30, 2020
    • YouTube

    With the Ember Activator working I decide to see if I can boil some water, which is a lot more complicated than using a kettle. It just won't pump water! Ravs is on the hunt for a festive rubber tree in the Mist Dimension but it's not looking good...

  • S01E20 Stuck in the Bog

    • January 5, 2021
    • YouTube

    I'm trying to get my Ember Pump working and Ravs is STILL looking for Rubber Trees but is having a hard time getting around because he keeps getting stuck in the bog...

  • S01E21 Making Steam!

    • January 7, 2021
    • YouTube

    I'm losing my mind trying to make steam, Ravs is watching something a bit rude as he tries to extract sap from a rubber tree to make latex balls and Ped's building a new wand.

  • S01E22 How Do We Get Copper?

    • January 9, 2021
    • YouTube

    We've hit a snag as we need copper but cannot find an efficient way to make it! I'm trying to make a Steam Engine, Ravs is building a Mixer Centrifuge, so I go on a journey trying to find the best way to get this elusive metal!

  • S01E23 Slimeon Honeygoo

    • January 12, 2021
    • YouTube

    We're looking to automate our iron production using slimes but in order to keep them we need to tag them. Enter the king slime of iron production, Slimeon Honeygoo! Ravs goes hunting for Icestone and has a hard time tracking it down and get's a little distracted with some bosses in the Aether...

  • S01E24 The Stamper

    • January 14, 2021
    • YouTube

    We put our heads together to try and work out Embers so we can build ourselves a Stamper to make the ingots we need, while Ravs finds a personal use for Embers involving his bottom.

  • S01E25 Constellation Attunement

    • January 16, 2021
    • YouTube

    I'm still pulling my hair out over Embers as Ravs wants me to stamp his rubber balls, while Ped makes progress with Astral Sorcery as we begin Constellation Attunement!

  • S01E26 Starlight Infuser

    • January 17, 2021
    • YouTube

    Ravs and I try out our new attunement powers while Ped works on the next step of Astral Sorcery - the Starlight Infuser. Then it's back to the Mist Dimension looking for sulfur so Ravs can keep us safe with full PPE suits.

  • S01E27 Make Me a Pumpkin Pie!!!

    • January 19, 2021
    • YouTube

    Ravs and I are on the hunt for sulfur for the PPE suits, Ped's getting us one step closer to opening a new dimension but in order to do that I have to find the ingredients of a pumpkin pie.

  • S01E28 New Dimensions! Everbright and Everdawn!

    • January 22, 2021
    • YouTube

    I finish making the pumpkin pie so Ped can make the freezer so that we can make the dimensional portals for two new dimensions - the Everbright and Everdawn! But mobs are coming through the portals and invading our base and rats are tearing it apart!

  • S01E29 Wizard Tower of Everdawn

    • January 24, 2021
    • YouTube

    While Ped works on the quests for the Everbright, Ravs and I head over to the Everdawn and scale the Wizard Tower to fight the Alchemist boss!

  • S01E30 Radiant Resonator and Radiant Crafting

    • January 26, 2021
    • YouTube

    We're heading back into the Everbright to get the items we need to build a Radiant Resonator and a Radiant Crafting Table! Ravs has a little explore of the new dimension and we wonder what it would be like to travel back in time...

  • S01E31 The New Plumper?

    • January 28, 2021
    • YouTube

    We've been assigned new quests! Ped's working on the Natural Altar, I'm working on the Gem Cutter and Ravs has been left with making Terra Steel, but he decides to find us a new Plumper...

  • S01E32 Arcane Magic!

    • January 30, 2021
    • YouTube

    Ravs and I finish making our Gem Cutter and Ped builds the Arcane Altar unlocking all new Arcane Magics! Then we move on to new quests, building a Pyre and the massive Iridescent Altar!

  • S01E33 Lasagne for Breakfast?!

    • January 31, 2021
    • YouTube

    We try out the new pyre Ped built last session as we try to get an Ancient Sapling and Ancient Acorns. Meanwhile, Ped freaks out Ravs and I with his admission that he had a full lasagne for breakfast!

  • S01E34 The Grove Stone!

    • February 2, 2021
    • YouTube

    Ped's trying to grow a rude looking crystal, Ravs is trying to make himself invisible and I'm on a complicated task to build the Grove Stone. But what does it do?

  • S01E35 We Need More Mana!

    • February 4, 2021
    • YouTube

    We need more Mana to continue our quests but getting it is a struggle. I build myself a Molten Axe to try and up charcoal production in the hope we can get a sufficient Mana Spreader up and running.

  • S01E36 Soul Bead Collector

    • February 7, 2021
    • YouTube

    Someone's given us a hint of what to build to make Mana, but to do that we're going to need a lot more space! Ped is trying to build the Celestial Altar and to do that Ravs has to go to the Nether and collect anal beads... No, Soul Beads.

  • S01E37 Making Terrasteel!

    • February 9, 2021
    • YouTube

    Ravs is trying to wrap his head around the Roots Mod that he stumbled upon last time and I finally make Terrasteel after weeks of building up to it! Ped continues to work on his tower and still doesn't know how to make a circle.

  • S01E38 Statue Steve

    • February 11, 2021
    • YouTube

    Ravs gets the parts together to build himself a statue of Steve! What cool things will it unlock? Ped continues his work on the new towers as I try to create a Collector Crystal!

  • S01E39 Turning Pumpkins into Cakes

    • February 13, 2021
    • YouTube

    I made the wrong type of crystal last time so now I'm making the Crystal Collector while Ravs helps me set-up the mana pool in order to grow some pumpkins and turn them into cakes!

  • S01E40 Catch that Rat!

    • February 14, 2021
    • YouTube

    Ravs decides to try his hand at Rat Mod but first he needs to catch a rat. I'm on a quest to find a dark crystal and try to find a way to speed up our pumpkin/cake production.

  • S01E41 Get in my Rat Sack

    • February 16, 2021
    • YouTube

    Ped and I are in the process of making the portal to the Alfheim but Ped gets distracted by Ravs' Rat Mod and trying to capture a tamed rat in his Rat Sack!

  • S01E42 Breeding Rats

    • February 18, 2021
    • YouTube

    I'm taking a break from all of the Botania stuff to help Ravs with his rats! I try to find a rat of my own and see if we can get them to breed!

  • S01E43 Arcane Archives

    • February 20, 2021
    • YouTube

    Our rats are breeding and Ravs is trying to get the Rat upgrade while I try and find a better way to find our stuff in our messy chests by exploring Arcane Archives!

  • S01E44 Gem Cutter Rat

    • February 21, 2021
    • YouTube

    We want to make a Gem Cutter Rat but in order to do that Ravs is going to have to make an entirely new Gem Cutter's Table.

  • S01E45 Brazier of Hoarding

    • February 23, 2021
    • YouTube

    Ped's not too sure about the Arcane Archives and tries to grow himself some grapes, Ravs is searching dungeons for an Enchanted Golden Apple, and I'm trying to make a Brazier that's DEFINITELY NOT a bra for your balls.

  • S01E46 Angel of Vengeance Mod

    • February 25, 2021
    • YouTube

    Ravs makes himself an Aristorat, I'm working towards getting us the portal to the Alfheim and Ped starts the Angel of Vengeance Mod, which uses statues to make us into Paladins and Clerics!

  • S01E47 Alfheim Portal

    • February 27, 2021
    • YouTube

    Ravs is trying to find the parts he needs to make himself a Rat Warrior and I enlist Ped's help to FINALLY build this portal to the Alfheim!

  • S01E48 Death by Warrior Rat

    • February 28, 2021
    • YouTube

    I get the Alfheim Portal up and running, Ped's building an arena so we can fight the Gaia Guardian and Ravs is making a fez wearing Warrior Rat that's got it in for Ped!

  • S01E49 Farmer Rat is Stealing Our Stuff!

    • March 2, 2021
    • YouTube

    Ped's putting together the pylons we need for our battle with the Gaia Guardian while Ravs tries to automate our farm using rats. Unfortunately, Farmer Rat is stealing all of our Botania stuff!

  • S01E50 Battle with the Gaia Guardian

    • March 4, 2021
    • YouTube

    Ravs is having trouble with Boba the rat, I try and see if rats can be cannibals, and Ped helps me gear up to battle the Gaia Guardian!

  • S01E51 BobaWitch has Joined the game!

    • March 6, 2021
    • YouTube

    Rat Mod continues to be a pain, especially when Ped keeps killing the rats! But when we throw the remains of one into the Alfheim Portal something surprising pops out! BobaWitch has joined the game!!!

  • S01E52 Boba the Barbie Doll

    • March 9, 2021
    • YouTube

    My search for frog's legs has been fruitless so we have no choice but to build the altar of birthing. While I head into the Aether to find constellation paper, Ped and Boba work towards building the offering table while Ravs treats Boba like a Barbie Doll and gets her to wear a load of weird stuff.

  • S01E53 Quest for the Frog

    • March 11, 2021
    • YouTube

    We're still on the quest for the frog to make the altar to get us to the Between Lands. Meanwhile, Ravs is trying to up his beet production and Boba adds a pool of blood to the rat room.

  • S01E54 Frogs Can Fly!

    • March 13, 2021
    • YouTube

    Ravs finally has the pieces he needs to go to Ratlantis, although he's not sure why he's going there, and we get the cows to mate and get ourselves some frogs - frogs that can fly!

  • S01E55 Jimmy the Druid

    • March 16, 2021
    • YouTube

    Ped spawns in Jimmy the Druid so we can collect the items we need to build the Dark Altar! Unfortunately, we need lots of Jimmy's to get the pieces we need and they don't seem to be very fair dropping what we need...

  • S01E56 Fighting a Tree in the Between Lands

    • March 18, 2021
    • YouTube

    We finally have everything we need to get to the Between lands! A quick trip to the swampy nightmare does make us wonder why we've come here at all. Boba tries to tame a frog and Ravs tries his hand at fighting a tree.

  • S01E57 A Chaotic End to the Series

    • March 20, 2021
    • YouTube

    It's the final episode but there's still time for a surprise or two! The base may be looking worse for wear but Ravs and Ped have made some kind of sand generator. Then an invisible force seems to be affecting us causing a chaotic end to the series.