Part 1: While living in the city, Komasan decides to work as a janitor at the toy conglomerate Dandai. While there, he unintentionally inspires the company president to make aazing ideas that further the company in the public eye, including a line of insect toys and the new mascot character Amedamazura. When he this to Komajiro later, his awe in his older brother inspires Komasan to go further.
Part 2: It is Mother's Day, so Keita and his father give Keita's mother gifts to thank her. However, after serving her tea and pancakes, Keita's mother decides that the pancakes are not good enough, but will not explain why. Keita believes his mother's behavior to be a Yo-Kai's fault, and uses the Yo-Kai Watch to find Sunesnake, a Yo-Kai that makes people whiny. Keita's father tries to get through to her, but Sunesnake's power is too strong. To help his parents, Keita calls on Honobōno, as the fact he is married will help things. Honobōno gives his word that he will help, and possesses Keita's father to make his apologies to Keita's mother more heartfelt, and eventually Sunesnake's control is lifted, but his parents' renewed loveydovey nature begins to grate on Keita, Whisper, and Jibanyan.
Part 3: The news covers a new game sweeping Sakura New Town: belly dancing, with a strange face on the dancer's stomach. Jibanyan remembers the NyaKB girls did it, but Keita thinks it is a little weird. When he gets to school with his friends, Kanchi is suddenly taken by the belly dancing craze, and the face is on his stomach as well. Fumi is surprised, and terrified, by the change of events. Their teacher arrives, and after a few more dances, Kanchi suddenly stops. Kuma tells him he was doing the belly dance and he had a strange face drawn on his stomach, but when Kanchi lifts his shirt again the face is gone. Just as Kanchi sits down, their teacher begins dancing, as well. Keita asks Whisper if it could be a Yo-Kai, and Keita scans his teacher to find Harao-dori. Fumi begins to a
「哥瑪先生 鄉下仔染上玫瑰色彩 Episode1」
「人面犬第二季 狗逃獄 Episode 6」
Per la Festa della mamma il papà di Nate prepara la colazione alla moglie che, però, si arrabbia. / Komasan si mette a lavorare. / Manjimutt attende la scarcerazione.
Komasan consegue um emprego na empresa de brinquedos Dandai como zelador. No Dia das Mães, a mãe de Nate é espiritada pelo Yo-kai Jararacalada, o que a deixa indignada com seus presentes. Mais tarde, uma estranha tendência de dança do ventre com uma cara estranha na barriga toma conta da cidade. Sarnento está feliz por ser libertado de Alcatraz, mas fica surpreso quando o diretor acidentalmente liberta outro preso parecido com um cachorro em vez dele, deixando-o sob a ira de Charlie.