Home / Series / Yes Theory / Aired Order / Season 2017 / Episode 70

Why I Can't Go Home for 7 Years

Hi everyone, we know there's been a sad tone on our channel this week but rest assured... On Tuesday we're back with sneaking in, wheel of discomfort and adventures with strangers... It's going to be NUTS! We just had to get these two stories out. This situation with Ammar in Egypt is very complicated, we hope you understand the situation and appreciate TD's amazing piece at the end. Some of you might not agree with Ammar's decision to stay in the U.S. but at the end of the of day, it's his and his only. Having this emotional weight over our shoulders while traveling in Egypt did make it harder to focus on videos sometimes but it was a trip that was necessary for us all.

  • Originally Aired October 29, 2017
  • Runtime 7 minutes
  • Network YouTube
  • Created October 30, 2021 by
  • Modified June 10, 2022 by
    amorenomendez_tvdb mod