成婚还是退亲,两家陷入两难。 楼家大夫人明里暗里地劝说程少商吃下这哑巴亏。 少商指责楼大夫人让楼垚娶何昭君,不过是「慷他人之慨」。 这一幕落在了袁慎与楼垚眼中,楼垚当场表示绝不退婚。 少商离开楼家,袁慎追了出去,并分析形势:只有楼垚这样文弱书生娶何昭君才可以保全何将军旧部。
The Cheng’s and the Lou’s are now in a dilemma. They could not decide whether to continue or to cancel their wedding. Shaoshang was furious that the Lou’s would consider Lou Yao marrying He Zhaojun. However, Yuan Shen explained to her that this was the only way to protect He's inheritance, and advised Shaoshang to understand the current situation.