When a boy named Percy wishes he could impress the Loco's with his mascot outfit, he has Xavier pretend to be him in a costume. The Loco's decide to let Xavier lead them for a while and things get a bit out of hand.
Xavier thinks that 7 babies were abandoned, so he keeps them as his own. Then he finds out that a woman lost 7 babies and Xavier tries to find the criminal, when it is really himself.
When Xavier's significant crystal is stolen, he is forced to venture forth into a freedom-mad place named Squatopia where he meets a man who plans to escape from Squatopian freedom with Xavier.
When Xavier wakes up with no memories, the power of déjà vu reigns supreme. When Xavier wakes up with no memories, the power of déjà vu reigns supreme.
Just whenst you most expect it, Xavier’s gratitude starved heart shrieks out “Abandon ye lifequest!” and then wolfs down a steam-filled puddin’ pie of limits.
Adult Swim’s animated character Xavier goes to the prom and Arnett, a frequent 30 Rock guest star, is there, too, to reenact the finale from one of the greatest horror movies of all time.