Anđelka recovered after the accident that happened. She goes with her aunt to Belgrade. Toma looks after her sadly, now he lost her forever. While she was walking through the streets of Belgrade, she met Nenad. She told him her whole life story, the experience at sea, the divorce, the meeting with Marić, the tragic outcome. For the first time in a long time, Nenad takes off without an amulet, because his jealous girlfriend tore Anđelka's picture. Nenad fell into the middle of a storm from which he barely escaped.
Anđelka se oporavila posle nesreće koja je zadesila. Ona odlazi sa tetkom u Beograd. Toma tužan gleda za njom, sada je zauvek izgubio. Dok je šetala ulicama Beograda, sreće Nenada. Ispričala mu je celu svoju životnu priču, doživljaj na moru, razvod braka, susret sa Marićem, tragičan rasplet. Nenad prvi put posle duže vremena poleće bez amajlije, jer je njegova ljubomorna devojka pocepala Anđelkinu sliku. Nenad je upao u središte oluje iz koje se jedva izvukao.