Everyone in the town is enchanted by the new head of the court, only Anđelka is unhappy, because she remembered her unhappy marriage with him. They soon meet, but both pretend they don't know each other. Anđelka begs Tom not to tell anyone that he is her ex-husband. Tomo doesn't stop insulting her. He asks if she has found new love. He tried to think of other things, but thoughts about Anđelka kept puzzling him one after the other. And on top of all that, he meets Gojko, who is to blame for his unhappiness.
Svi u mestu očarani su novim starešinom suda, samo je Anđelka nesretna, jer se prisetila svog nesretnog braka s njim. Uskoro se sreću, ali oboje se pretvaraju da se ne poznaju. Anđelka moli Tomu da nikome ne govori da je on njen bivši muž. Tomo ne prestaje da je vređa. Raspituje se da li je našla novu ljubav. Pokušao je da misli na druge stvari, ali su ga misli o Anđelki jedna za drugom kljucale. I na sve to još upoznaje Gojka, koji je kriv za njegovu nesreću.