Suzunaru Daiichi Murakami holding a black arc moon and Kageura attacking with a scorpion that can be transformed.
With the support of the gunner Kitazoe, Suzunaru Daiichi seemed to be on the other side of the battle due to the continuous attack of Kageura Corps, but Kageura Corps retreated to Suzunaru Daiichi's new tactics! ??
On the other hand, the sniper of the votive tablet of the Kageura corps was added to Osamu who was pressed by Okuji and Koarai of the eastern corps. However, suddenly the shopping mall goes out of power and Osamu loses his right arm due to the sniper of the votive tablet.
In the offense and defense in the darkness of Kageura Corps and Suzunaru Daiichi, Murakami's invisible slash attacks Kageura.
Each unit has a strange plan using the lighting mechanism of Suzunari Daiichi! ??
And Yuma and Hughes finally start to move in Tamaki No. 2!
Murakami, armé d'un Kogetsu noir, et Kageura, équipé du Scorpion, la lame métamorphe, s'affrontent. Dans le même temps, les combats s'intensifient de toutes parts dans le centre commercial, quand le bâtiment se retrouve soudain plongé dans l'obscurité. Le stratagème imaginé par la Suzunari-1 va-t-il porter ses fruits ?
Suzunari-1 hat sich einen besonderen Plan ausgedacht, um die Truppe Kageura im Einkaufszentrum in Bedrängnis zu bringen. Können die anderen ihre Strategie schnell durchschauen und so noch das Blatt wenden?
A batalha entre os Esquadrões Kageura, Azuma, Suzunari-1 e Tamakoma-1 começou e os times se agrupam. Há batalhas acontecendo em locais diferentes do shopping e parece que Suzunari-1 tem uma surpresa para todos.
A batalha entre os Esquadrões Kageura, Azuma, Suzunari-1 e Tamakoma-1 começou e os times se agrupam. Há batalhas acontecendo em locais diferentes do shopping e parece que Suzunari-1 tem uma surpresa para todos.
Los escuadrones se enfrentan en el centro comercial, pero uno de ellos tiene una estrategia preparada para conseguir ventaja en el escenario.