Confusion reigns as Vince receives his blood test results—these results force him to confront his father about his background, which also unravels secrets and deceptions. This revelation sends him on a quest to uncover his Aboriginal ancestry. Meanwhile, Vince stumbles across four homeless aboriginal people in a local park—all of them are deceased—he sends out a distress call to the police. Bill and Charlie arrive at the crime scene and are mystified about what happened. Tensions escalate as discrimination in the local community is heightened due to the recent aboriginal deaths—which have now been linked to a batch of home brew laced with rat poison. Prominent local publicans and surrounding businesses have been questioned and are also under observation. Maxine and Bill reluctantly come to terms with the fact that Vince needs to find his roots—Vince finds himself questioning his self-worth and sets out on a trek to unearth the facts about his genealogy.