Four journalists and colleagues travel to South Africa for a hunt-of-a-lifetime. After they arrive and sight-in their rifles, they begin an epic free-range hunting adventure at Fort Richmond Safaris. Kudu, Blesbok, Warthogs, you name it, South Africa has it all. However, for two hunters, the moment-of-truth presents some unwanted complications.
After taking a shot at a trophy Kudu, Joe, Leon and the team at Fort Richmond Safaris do their best to track down the animal. The camera crew visits one of the most famous taxidermy studios in the country. While hunting, Luke and Thys discover a bird-built wonder of South Africa.
With extreme patience and skill, Mark, a professional hunter at Fort Richmond Safaris, leads Alfredo to a trophy Blesbok. With the animal in his sights, Alfredo feels the adrenaline of hunting wild game in Africa. Geoffrey demonstrates how his hunting business helps feed the local community. An African squirrel shows off for the camera.
After 5 days covering 40 miles of terrain, Luke becomes increasingly concerned that he will leave his African safari empty-handed. Richard and Geoffrey discover what they think they see and what rapidly appears are two very different things. The hunters learn about the hands of God, and what an imprint they leave on a specific African animal.