Two straight men named Benjo and Emil were assigned to be thesis partners by their professor. Emil, being not financially capable to do online research reluctantly agreed to stay in Benjo's affluent penthouse unit. When a couple turned positive to COVID-19, the building where Benjo's penthouse was situated was locked down for a month, paving the way for Benjo and Emil's sexual awakening.
Two straight men named Benjo and Emil were assigned to be thesis partners by their professor. Emil, being not financially capable to do online research reluctantly agreed to stay in Benjo's affluent penthouse unit. When a couple turned positive to COVID-19, the building where Benjo's penthouse was situated was locked down for a month, paving the way for Benjo and Emil's sexual awakening.
- Why Love Why 2
- Why Love Why Season 2
Dois homens heterossexuais chamados Benjo e Emil foram designados para serem parceiros de teses por seu professor. Emil, não sendo financeiramente capaz de fazer pesquisas online, relutantemente concordou em ficar na rica cobertura de Benjo. Quando um casal deu positivo para COVID-19, o prédio onde a cobertura de Benjo estava situada foi bloqueado por um mês, pavimentando o caminho para o despertar sexual de Benjo e Emil.
Benjo et Emil doivent travailler ensemble sur un projet pour les cours mais Emil n’a pas d’ordinateur. Il accepte alors, à contre cœur, de rester dans la penthouse de Benjo. Malheureusement, un couple de l’immeuble est testé positif et ils doivent rester confinés chez Benjo pendant un mois. Tous deux hétérosexuels, cette cohabitation va les amener à questionner leurs sentiments et leur sexualité.