Keyaki Academy private school, the homeroom of Year-3 class-C. As the students arrive the find the remains of their homeroom teacher, Tokuyama Daigorou, and the group descends to chaos. "He might still be alive", "Can anyone do CPR?" The students find a knife in his back, and confirm his death. This will look bad, we have to hide it. Shit, there's no time. "He might fit in there," one girl says, pointing to an area inside the classroom. "He might not be found there!" "Will he fit" "Maybe if you cut off his hands and legs..?" The bitter, callous female students of this class. A strange school life begins as the students work hard to hide the presence of their teacher's corpse in their classroom. Other teachers from the Academy, their homeroom teacher's wife, his mistress, police, and reporters... One-by-one they visit the classroom and the students face the risk of being discovered. Is it possible to continue to hide it?! And who was it who killed him?!
- Tokuyama Daigoro wo Dare ga Koroshita ka?
まだ生きてるかも? 人工呼吸とかすれば…
Una mañana, las estudiantes de la escuela privada Keyakizaka encuentran muerto al maestro Daigoro Tokuyama en el suelo de la clase, y deciden ocultarlo.
Una mattina, quando le ragazze dell'Istituto Keyakizaka Private arrivano a scuola, trovano il loro insegnante, il signor Tokuyama, morto. Come sia morto è un mistero. Controllano se sta ancora respirando, ma appena la campana suona si affrettano a nascondere il cadavere, e ricominciano a vivere la loro vita scolastica quotidiana. Riusciranno le ragazze a scoprire la verità su chi ha ucciso Daigoro Tokuyama?