Anna Kirkwall faces every mother's nightmare when baby Amy shows symptoms of meningitis. She rushes her to hospital where the diagnosis she dreaded is confirmed. Anna keeps a bedside vigil, willing her baby daughter to pull through. She blames herself for not noticing sooner that Amy was unwell. Amy's illness sparks a major health alert in Skelthwaite. The health centre is under siege from worried parents. Sean and Laura Henderson are particularly concerned about their son Danny. Anna had left Amy with Danny just before she was rushed to hospital. Sean accuses Anna of putting Danny's life in danger, and threatens to report her for negligence. The crisis also puts a strain on Sean and Laura's relationship. Sean is keen for them to marry and have more children. But Laura is scared that changing what they have will wreck their present happiness- what if Sean loved his own baby more than Danny? Meanwhile Karen Buckley is making frantic attempts to find Anna's son Luke. Luke is playing trua