All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 Our Melancholy Duty

    • January 1, 1992
    • ABC (AU)

    A Nation goes to war. In this first episode, Britain's war with Germany rallies the Empire to her side. In the spirit of ANZAC, young Australians rush to volunteer. Mothers and wives take up traditional supporting roles and the Women's Services are formed. Soon the casualty lists begin to appear in daily newspapers as Aussie troops face their first defeats. The heartbreak and dread begin; how much worse can it get?

  • S01E02 Our Darkest Hour

    • ABC (AU)

    The war hits home. The true horror of war hits home. The same Japanese aircraft and pilots that bombed Pearl Harbour now attack the north of Australia and Darwin is devastated. Britain's failure to defend Singapore betrays Australia's long held belief that the Mother Country will always come to her defence. The country is rallied by Prime Minister Curtin. This is Australia's darkest hour.

  • S01E03 Saviours, Lovers, Heroes

    • ABC (AU)

    Our new allies. The Yanks are here! Australians breathe a sigh of relief and welcome them into their homes and their lives. Australian women are charmed, but the Australian men resent them and their success. General McArthur takes over the Pacific war and inspires the country. Normal life is put on hold as the men are away fighting and the women work longer hours. Life is very hard with little leisure. Surely it was meant to be better than this?

  • S01E04 The Long War

    • ABC (AU)

    Counting the cost. The war is ending, and Australians must face the consequences of over six years of war - a toll of shattered lives and limbs and unrealised dreams. After Victory in the Pacific, it is a weary nation that welcomes its soldiers home. The war years have changed forever the way Australians see themselves and their future relationship to America. What did the war mean to the average Aussie, and how did it affect their lives?