All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 Earthquakes

    • January 1, 2000
    • PBS

    This episode examines some of the most powerful earthquakes in history and tries to understand what causes earthquakes to occur.

  • S01E02 Floods

    • PBS

    Filmmaker Andreas Laschober demonstrates the unpredictability of floods with compelling footage and interviews with victims and rescue workers who have survived.

  • S01E03 Monsoon

    • PBS

    More than 60 percent of the world’s population lives in the areas influenced by the Monsoon, and their existence depends on the effects of this powerful climate-maker. There, the Monsoon decides whether it will be a blessed or a cursed year.

  • S01E04 Landslides

    • PBS

    This episode portrays the unbelievable power of a landslide. We speak to people who have lost relatives to landslides and we find out how far science and research has come in the prevention of landslides.

  • S01E05 Freak Waves

    • PBS

    Today scientists working with wave pools and mathematical models have proven that gigantic freak waves can form in the ocean, seemingly out of nowhere, as high as 35 meters. New discoveries may help to make collisions between freak waves and ships predictable, and avoidable.

  • S01E06 El Nino

    • PBS

    What causes this destructive and terrible weather pattern to grow? How can scientists predict it’s arrival? What can the people who will be most affected by it do to protect themselves and their families? Spectacular footage with insightful interviews brings a human face to this natural disaster.

  • S01E07 Chasing Killer Storms

    • PBS

    Filmmaker Udo Maurer accompanies Tornado hunters, as they stalk their prey across the great plains of America’s Midwest.