드디어 여러분들이 기다리시던 퍼스널 컬러 진단을 받고 왔습니다 휘휘~!
28년을 톤망진창으로 살다가
퍼컬 진단으로 인생톤을 찾아서 너무 신기하고 재밌었어요!
겨울 쿨 다크 땅!땅!땅! ☃️????
이제 쿨톤 메콥 열심히 익혀서
언젠가 겨쿨닼 겟레디휫미 보여줄게여..ㅎ
그롬 바휘~ ????????
Doo-dung- I have finally received the personal color diagnosis you have been waiting for, Hwi-Hwi~! After living 28 years with tons of trouble, it was so amazing and fun to find my life tone through percal diagnosis! Winter cool dark ground! Ground! Ground! ☃️???? Now, I'll work hard to learn the cool tone mekop and one day I'll show you the coolest get-ready me.. heh Grom Bahui~ ????????