พรีม พริมาล(บัว นลินทิพย์) ต้องยอมรับเงื่อนไขที่เป็นดั่งบทลงโทษ ถึงแม้จะได้เลขาคนใหม่แล้วแต่การลาออกยืดเวลาออกไปอีก 4 เดือน เพราะต้องฝึกผู้ช่วยเลขาให้ผ่านโปร โดย ธีร์ ชลธร(เจษ เจษฎ์พิพัฒ) จะใช้เวลา 4 เดือน ในการสร้างเรื่องดีๆ เพื่อทำให้เลขาพรีมเปลี่ยนใจ จึงคิดวางแผนการต่างๆ ที่คิดเอาเองว่าเจ๋ง แต่มองจากดาวอังคารก็เห็นว่ามันไม่ใช่ เป็นแผนที่แม้กระทั่งเพื่อนสนิทอย่าง ผอ.พัท (ส้วม สุขพัฒน์) ยังมองบน
Preem Primala (Bua Nalinthip) teve que aceitar uma condição que parecia mais um castigo. Apesar de já terem contratado uma nova secretária, sua saída foi adiada em mais 4 meses, pois ela precisava treinar a assistente até que passasse no período de experiência. Durante esses 4 meses, Thir Chonlathorn (Jes Jespipat) decidiu usar o tempo para criar momentos especiais e tentar fazer com que Preem mudasse de ideia. Ele começou a planejar várias estratégias que, na sua cabeça, eram incríveis, mas até de Marte dava para ver que não era bem assim. Até mesmo seu amigo próximo, o diretor Pat (Suam Sukapath), revirou os olhos diante dessas ideias.
Preem Primala (Bua Nalinthip) had to accept a condition that felt more like a punishment. Even though a new secretary had already been hired, her resignation was extended for another 4 months because she needed to train the assistant until she passed the probation period. During these 4 months, Thir Chonlathorn (Jes Jespipat) decided to use the time to create special moments and try to make Preem change her mind. He started planning various strategies that he thought were brilliant, but even from Mars, it was clear they weren’t. Even his close friend, Director Pat (Suam Sukapath), couldn’t help but roll his eyes at these ideas.