All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 Gods and Allah

    • April 1, 2019

    One of the most fundamental topics in which the viewer will learn not only about the many false gods of humanity, source of which is our own psyche, but also the one true God and His personality described by His prophet and messenger Ibrahim pbuh in Gods own Book The Quran. It also clears some biblical concepts that are wrongfully adopted by the Muslims in relation to this topic.

  • S01E02 Devil - Satan

    • April 2, 2019

    Al Quran is the only place where the two parts of the same personality shaitan / satan and Iblees / Devil is exposed. His creation, his opposition to God as iblees / devil and his opposition to man as shaitan / satan, who sits on Gods straight path and diverts from the truth through different means is described for us to take guard from accordingly in this lecture.

  • S01E03 The vision of Abraham

    • April 3, 2019

    An important exposition from the Quran on the relationship of Abraham (pbuh) and his son Ishmael (pbuh) in relation to the dream that Abraham (pbuh) saw in which he sacrifices Ishmael (pbuh). In this lecture many misconceptions that have crept into the general Muslim ummah from the Christian religion are highlighted and the truth established from the Quran as to the significance of the Vision of Abraham (pbuh) for all Muslims.

  • S01E04 The Book of Moses

    • April 4, 2019

    It is generally understood that Torah was the name of the book that God gave to Moses (pbuh). However, in this exposition through the verses of the Quran, the status of Moses is clarified and also what Book was given to him. It will come as a complete surprise to many that nowhere in the Quran does it say that Moses was given the Torah, and this enlightening lecture will describe in detail what Moses received.

  • S01E05 Mary

    • April 5, 2019

    Mary / Maryam (pbuh), from whom Jesus / Essa (pbuh) was born, is subject to the greatest false charge which mankind has been placing on God by associating her as Gods pair with whom #God supposedly begets Essa / Jesus (pbuh), and consequently Essa / Jesus (pbuh) is falsely promoted as son of God by the Christians. This misconception is not only completely and angrily rejected by God in the #Quran as the greatest false charge, but God also explains how Essa / Jesus (pbuh) was born ONLY from Mary / Maryam (pbuh) as she was born with the #biological capacity of both a male and a female within her (or a DUAL SEX), which is commonly known in the medical community as a HERMAPHRODITE. This lecture provides irrefutable evidence from the Quran of Mary / Maryam (pbuh) gender as a hermaphrodite / Dual Sex and birth of Jesus by the “order” of Allah as an original creation (of self-generation) that can never be repeated, and existence of their progeny / offspring in the world today. This lecture should be watched in conjunction with “What Al-Quran says about Essa Ibne Maryam / Jesus Son of Mary”.

  • S01E06 Chirst Jesus

    • April 6, 2019

    This lecture tackles a topic that has been subject to the greatest amount of confusion, ambiguity and suspicion in Judeo-Christian religion which has also crept into the mainstream Islamic faith. The lecture once and for all clears the misconceptions prevailing regarding the birth, life and family of Essa/Jesus (pbuh), his death and also the purported “Coming of Christ.” A must-watch lecture for Muslims and Christians alike.

  • S01E07 Book of Allah

    • April 7, 2019

    This lecture is probably by far one of the most important lectures in the context of religious books found in the world. The word Al-Kitab / The Book (mentioned in the Quran over 200 times) has been presented to describe the attributes of God’s Book, the origin, the state which it is currently found in and in which it has always remained, the recipients of God’s Book through time in this unchanged format, and also refuting the authenticity of all other man written books claiming to be from God.

  • S01E08 Torah and Gospel

    • April 8, 2019

    A lecture that should be watched in conjunction with the lecture on Al-Kitab / The Book, this lecture answers some of the basic questions about the status of At-Taurah & Al-Injeel (mentioned in Al-Kitab / The Book). At-Taurah & Al-Injeel are commonly misrepresented and misidentified as those books which were given to Jews & Christians but which were corrupted through time. In reality this could not be further from the Truth and this lecture presents the truth about At-Taurah & Al-Injeel, and also about its recipients.

  • S01E09 The spirit - Holy ghost

    • April 9, 2019

    This lecture tackles very important issues that concern the Muslim community searching for the Truth from Allah. Although everyone agrees to the Quran as the irrefutable truth form Allah, there are many people who have difficulty understanding the essence of the message contained in the Quran. This lecture describes what is Ar-Rooh / The Spirit / The Essence, how all human beings of all backgrounds have this Rooh / Spirit / Essence within them, how its inspired by Allah through the Quran to a human being, through whom its transferred to the rest of mankind, and most importantly, how mankind is able to determine that the essence being passed on is really The Truth from Allah and not some incorrect interpretation of the Quran misconceived by a human.

  • S01E10 Children of Israeel

    • April 10, 2019

    This lecture defines the Bani Israeel / Children of Israel from the ayats / verses of the Quran , as the people whom Allah has favored among the rest of mankind for all times. This is an extremely important lecture as the identity of the True Bani Israeel / Children of Israel is revealed, which has very significant implications for all us who call ourselves Muslims.