Based on the popular Frank Muir book series, this series follows a scruffy, noble Afghan puppy on his comical adventures through life. Although this messy, sloppy, clumsy, yet extremely lovable puppy always strives to do right, he somehow always ends up making a bigger mess than ever. Join What-A-Mess as he tackles the mysteries of everyday life with a daring, somewhat skewed puppy's point of view.
This U.S. version was the third version of an animated What-a-Mess cartoon, created by DIC Productions L.P.
يعرض المسلسل مغامرات كلب طائش يدعى لخبوط، يدخل في مآزق كثيرة ومضحكة وبالنهاية ينجو منها بصعوبة.