• There's someone hiding in the 3rd row in the back seat Scary Prank.
• There are businesses that are so focused on niche areas that they don't even sell a single piece of machinery.
• If you act as if you are about to be dragged into the sea, you can pull up to 5 people into the water with you.
■「後部座席に人がいる」の仕掛け人に仕掛ける「サードシートにも人がいる」が結局一番怖い説 「後部座席に人がいるドッキリ」の仕掛け人へ逆ドッキリ検証!
■釣りで大物がかかって海に引っ張られる演技をすれば最大5人は道連れに落ちれる説 最も多く後輩を道連れにできるのは誰だ?芸人軍団対抗の"道連れチャレンジ"で検証!