Home / Series / Wayside / Aired Order / Season 2 / Episode 11
Home / Series / Wayside / DVD Order / Season 2 / Episode 12

Slow Mo Mo / Joe 'N' Fro

Slow Mo Mo: Maurecia loves being fast and first because of her wheels on her roller skates. But one day when Maurecia and Principal Kidswatter bump into each other (because of Maurecia's wheels), Kidswatter bans all round things from Wayside School including Maurecia's wheels and everything round becomes squared. She hates it because she is last, slow and late for everything. Kidswatter tries again and makes everything squared become round again. Meanwhile, Todd, Dana, and Myron join Maurecia. Joe 'N' Fro: Kidswatter is planning his new lawn "gazebo" project. Joe manages to hide rabbits and a chipmunk in his large orange afro. But when a peanut is thrown at Todd's head, Todd, Dana, Myron, and Maurecia start to confront Joe until he also hides a squirrel in his hair and manages to get Mr. Kidswatter to put all of the trees back in the yard. Meanwhile, Myron is sneezing when standing near Joe and has everyone thinking he's allergic to Joe when he's actually allergic to the chipmunk. Then Todd, Maurecia, and Dana learn the specialness of Joe and his special afro.

  • Originally Aired December 18, 2007
  • Runtime 30 minutes
  • Content Rating United States of America TV-Y7
  • Network Nickelodeon
  • Created December 5, 2016 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified June 6, 2024 by