Masaki, Kosuke, Yuta, and Naoya are in Masaki's hometown, Oarai, holding their own training camp when Fuke suddenly appears. Fuke acknowledges Masaki and the others as his rivals and they all vow to fight bravely in the competition to determine the additional team members who will be sent to the international competition in four years. Before returning to Shonan, Masaki stops by Hayama, where Sho grew up. There, he declares that he will surpass Sho, overcome every wave, and move forward into the future!
Nas férias escolares, Masaki volta para Oarai, e seus amigos também vão aproveitar as férias com ele. Juntos, eles treinam todos os dias para competirem no torneio que garante uma vaga na seleção japonesa para o mundial.
Après Hawaï, Masaki invite ses amis à s'entraîner à Ôarai. L'occasion pour ces jeunes surfeurs de se remémorer plein de bons souvenirs et de se concentrer sur l'objectif des mondiaux.
In den Frühlingsferien ist Masaki zum ersten Mal seit einem Jahr wieder zuhause, gemeinsam mit Kosuke-san, Yuta und Naoya. Aber als sie vom Surfen zum Essen kommen, sitzt da ein unerwarteter Gast am Tisch.