Die Gruppe um Yago kommt an einem verzauberten Turm vorbei. Tristamax will die vermeintlich hübschen, eingesperrten Prinzessinnen befreien, tappt aber in eine Falle. In Wirklichkeit sind die Prinzessinnen im Turm von Osamoda selbst verzaubert worden und enorm hässlich. Nur ein wahrhaftiger Kuss, ein Kuss der Liebe, kann sie von ihrem Fluch befreien. Yago, Amaya, Angelya und Ruel verkleiden sich als hässliche Prinzessinnen um ihren Freund Tristamax zu befreien …
Lost, the group finds themselves in front of a tower belonging to four sisters who wish to find the perfect husband. Percedal, completely smitten just by the top of one of their heads, climbs up to get a kiss. When he gets to the top, he finds that the sisters are actually ugly because of a curse put on them after the picky girls had ridiculed every single suitor. To be cured, one of them must be kissed by a man, and they hold Percedal captive until they get their kiss.
The group dons disguises to get inside the tower. The nine of them decide to hold a little contest to see who will get the kiss from Pinpin, which ends up being pure torture. Things quickly go wrong when Eva enrages the sisters and causes them to attack the group. Freeing Pinpin, the group flees with the aid of one of the sisters, who believes that they got what they deserved and is sorry for what they did to Pinpin. As they flee, Pinpin blows the sister a kiss, which turns the sisters and their tower back to normal.
En chemin vers l’île d’Oma, Tristepin tombe bêtement dans un piège infernal : le voilà prisonnier d’une tour ensorcelée et de ses habitantes, une horrible bande de princesses moches. Si Yugo et ses amis ne font pas preuve d’imagination, Tristepin risque fort de finir comme les Princes charmants des contes de fées : transformé en crapaud !
Sulla strada verso l'Isola di Oma, Tristepan finisce come uno stupido in una trappola infernale: eccolo prigioniero di una torre incantata e delle sue abitanti, un'orribile banda di Principesse brutte. Se Yugo e i suoi amici non si sbrigano ad usare tutta la loro immaginazione, Tristepan rischia presto di finire come i Principi incantati delle favole: trasformato in rospo!
Герои приходят к башне, в которой живут четыре уродливые принцессы, проклятые богом ОзамОдасом. Только искренний поцелуй может вернуть им прежний вид. Принцессы берут в плен Персидаля. Чтобы проникнуть в замок и спасти его, герои переодеваются в уродливых принцесс. Чтобы определить, кому достанется поцелуй Персидаля, принцессы проводят конкурс красоты.
A caminho da Ilha de Oma, Percedal é aprisionado em uma torre enfeitiçada.
Op weg naar het eiland Oma wordt Percedal gevangen genomen en opgesloten in een betoverde toren.