Bei einer misslungenen Reise durch das Wurmloch werden die Löwen voneinander getrennt. Coran und Allura versuchen indes, sich aus einer endlosen Zeitschleife zu befreien.
The lions get separated when a trip through a wormhole goes awry, while Coran and Allura scramble to break free of a seemingly endless time loop. Meanwhile, Zarkon seeks to uncover the person responsible for the Paladins escape. Pidge exits the corrupted wormhole in a junk nebula with debris from various alien technologies, which she uses to send a homing beacon to the Castle which pulls Allura & Coran out of the time loop. Keith and Shiro crash on a nearly dead moon and try to survive creatures and Shiro is nearly dying from the wound Haggar inflicted on him in the previous episode.
Les lions sont séparés quand un voyage dans un trou de ver part en vrille, tandis que Caron et Allura se démènent pour briser une boucle temporelle qui n'en finit pas.
Los leones se dividen cuando el viaje a un agujero de gusano no sale como esperaban. Coran y Allura tratan de liberarse de un interminable bucle temporal.
웜홀을 통과하는 동안, 사라져버린 사자들. 그들은 대체 어디로 흩어진 거지? 한편, 시공간이 뒤죽박죽인 타임 루프에 갇힌 코란과 알루라. 출구를 찾기 위해 애쓴다.
De leeuwen raken afgezonderd als een trip door een wormgat verkeerd afloopt. Coran en Allura proberen te ontsnappen aan een tijdlus die eeuwig lijkt te duren.
Os leões são separados quando uma viagem através de um buraco de minhoca dá errado. Coran e Allura lutam para acabar com um loop temporal aparentemente infinito.