Cadets are deployed according to the generations of the army, and the easiest way is to receive Andjel and Gruj, who receive Dzakovic as commander. Bugi are sent to the Navy where the word is headed by Captain Zdravko Brkic. Masha has difficulty running because she has fallen several times at the Zimcet exercise. Stošić Iku sends him to the special forces where he gets the task of unloading a full truck ammunition, which ends with a severe pain. Ceci Stosic is planning to wash the whole floor of her new army, and she is there lucky to Find who regrets the day she listened to her to stay in the army. General Zekovic announces the arrival of a very strict Major Markovic who will train cadets. A new cook comes to Burazer, because Sheki and Žarač have been rebuilt to Novi Sad. During the night, Gruja takes Bug and Iku to the bar across the barracks where she sings the beautiful singer Ria, but then they are driven out by Brkic, whom they did not expect.
Kadeti se raspoređuju po rodovima vojske, a najlakše dobijaju Anđela i Gruja koji za zapovednika dobijaju Džakovića. Bugija šalju u rečnu mornaricu gde reč vodi kapetan Zdravko Brkić. Maša ima teškoća sa trčanjem jer je nekoliko puta padala na vežbi kod Zimčeta. Stošić Iku šalje u specijalce gde ovaj dobija zadatak da istovari pun kamion streljiva, što i završava teškom mukom. Ceci Stošić zadaje da opere ceo sprat njenog novog roda vojske, a ona tamo sreće Nađu koja žali dan kad ju je poslušala da ostane u vojsci. General Zeković najavljuje dolazak jako strogog majora Markovića koji će da obučava kadete. Burazeru stiže nova kuvarica jer su Šeki i Žarač prekomandovani u Novi Sad. U toku noći, Gruja odvodi Bugija i Iku u kafanu prekoputa kasarne gde peva lepa pevačica Rija, ali odatle ih izbacuje Brkić koga nisu očekivali.