The cadets finally welcomed what they came to the Academy, the "real" flight training on simulators, helicopters and planes. Guidance lessons, difficult material was followed by an attractive practice carried out by their former commander and now a demonstrator, Captain Vaska. Ris visits Lelu who is in psychiatry after the trauma she suffered when she was abducted by gangsters, but she does not communicate at all. "Ris is burdened with the fact that Frost is in prison because he was protecting him." He and Zimche would inadvertently enter the one (un) ordinary family but he is determined to marry Stosic is trying to get rid of rehabilitation as soon as possible and return to the Academy.For his impatience, therapist Miki is a nightmare The affair between psychologist Vesna and Commander Kashanin comes out of the domain of secrets. There is also Roksandina's sister, a seductive model that always cares for men.
Kadeti su konačno dočekali ono zbog čega su i došli na Akademiju, „pravu" letačku obuku na simulatorima, helikopterima i avionima. Počinju časovi navođenja, teško gradivo je praćeno atraktivnom praksom kroz koju ih sprovodi njihov bivši komandir, a sada demonstrator, kapetan Vaske. Ris posećuje Lelu koja je na psihijatriji posle traume kroz koju je prošla kada su je oteli gangsteri. Međutim, ona više uopšte ne komunicira. Ris je opterećen činjenicom da je Mraz u zatvoru zato što je štitio njega. On i Zimče će i nehotice ući u jednu (ne)običnu porodičnu avanturu. Džaković je spremio prsten za Nadicu, što izaziva buru komentara među njegovim kolegama. On je, međutim, rešen da se ženi. Stošić se trudi da što pre savlada rehabilitaciju i vrati se na Akademiju. Za njegovo nestrpljenje terapeut Miki je noćna mora. Afera između psihologa Vesne i komandira Kašanina izlazi iz domena tajne. Pojavljuje se i Roksandina sestra, zavodljiva manekenka, koja među muškarcima uvek izaziva pažnju.