In the tragedy that led Mirko Klisura all will find him - not just Sasvara and other cadets, but also the entire elders' cadre. Stosic shows that he is much more emotional than he was running, and Ris and Zimchee will catch in a sad time the moment in which they will again come together. However, Leli is still not clear that the past has remained behind her. She calls Risa to her house and tries to remind him of happy common days. It reveals the secret of the infamous professor Vilotic who turned many into black. He became cruel and thought to teach at the Faculty of Mathematics, not at the Military Academy, when he lost someone who was all about him. Winter will gain his affection, which he needs over.
U tragediji koja je snašla Mirka Klisuru naći će mu se svi - ne samo Šašvari i drugi kadeti, već i čitav starešinski kadar. Stošić pokazuje da je mnogo emotivniji nego što se prikazivao, a Ris i Zimče uloviće u tužnom času trenutak u kojem će se opet zbližiti. Međutim, Leli još uvek nije jasno da je prošlost ostala iza nje. Poziva Risa u svoju kuću i pokušava da ga podseti na srećne zajedničke dane. Otkriva se tajna zloglasnog profesora Vilotića koji je mnoge zavio u crno. Postao je surov i umislio da predaje na Matematičkom fakultetu, a ne na Vojnoj akademiji, onda kada je izgubio nekoga ko mu je bio sve. Zimče će zadobiti njegovu naklonost, koja joj je preko potrebna.